YouTube subtitle translation

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Post some words, and I'll try to post what a YouTube subtitle would say if you say it on YouTube.
Discord said:
Post some words, and I'll try to post what a YouTube subtitle would say if you say it on YouTube.
^Try that.
Possawere, anditritoo whatta youtusub tylewood saifu Sayton YouTube
Maavatar lookspad becauzi chaos
Magikrazy said:
Does this really count as a Forum Game? Seems more like Mindless Junk.
Good idea for a Youtube subtitle translation.
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This forum is just awful. The posts are just slippery and bad. Like seriously, who the hell decided it would be okay for posts this terrible to be in a forum with PRECISE THREADS?? How the hell is GameFAQs more suitable as a forum than this crap?? And whenever I decide to reply backwards, my text box will sometimes just turn left or right! These posts are so freaking bad and there is no excuse! The users (especially Princess Viola) also suck. This forum constantly looks like an unfinished test forum , which clearly wasn't tested due to the poor posts. Screw this annoying forum! I can't believe people are willing to call this crap the "best forum ever"
This floor is just off. The poster just snippy Engarde. Like Thursday, who all decided Bert Kay drone terror inform price treads? How dare you Game F*****s Morse code form scape? In never deny faculty, My Xbox mill earn le right. The p***s so breaking bad and no recuse. Tasers special privilege also. Last 4 clean up in debt four. Clearly wanted poor most. Cruise soil! Cannabis pilgrims wanna coddle crack daresay forever