What's something that terrifies you?


It can range from minor to major. It can be something that you feel uncomfortable because it exists. It can be something people do that terrify you.
One serious example is the entire concept of abortion. It is terrifying to think someone would dare to slay the unborn just because they don't want to be parents. I don't find it funny and it's not a good solution. And people for some reason have the nerve to hate someone from minor offenses yet they just ignore their murderous actions.
Getting dementia/Alzheimer's :<
Swimming or anything that involves getting into water.

Also flowers for the longest time, it takes very little to trigger me in that sense, don't even post anything like that near me.

Also ships. And planes. And strangers. & Knuckles.

yoshiking14x said:
One serious example is the entire concept of abortion. It is terrifying to think someone would dare to slay the unborn just because they don't want to be parents. I don't find it funny and it's not a good solution. And people for some reason have the nerve to hate someone from minor offenses yet they just ignore their murderous actions.

I'm trying to not start an argument here, but I'll just leave it with this comment: abortion is a highly complicated issue with far more intricate reasons than just "they don't want to be parents".
Yes but the idea that I disagree with is the part of just removing the life of someone, killing in general is disturbing despite the fact people and other living things are not going to live forever.

Heart attacks are something nobody wants to have of course.
You know, everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are certainly free to disagree with that process. But I believe that outright calling people who make that decision murderers is out of line. Murder is a very serious allegation and should never be thrown around lightly. And the fact that you just did that is something I have a problem with.

You can state your opinion, but do it civilly.

I am uncomfortable with silence. Also, swarming insects, particularly wasps. And the thought of being eaten alive.

Also a lot of other things I can't think of right now.
as of yesterday, i am now terrified of hornets

other things include blood, darkness, death, asbestos, spiders, gore, not knowing what happens after you die, the idea of hell, coincidences, meeting new people, mirrors, failure, spooky dolls, cancer, heart attacks, uncertainty, anxiety, spiders, the deep ocean, and burritos
Peridot said:
You know, everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are certainly free to disagree with that process. But I believe that outright calling people who make that decision murderers is out of line. Murder is a very serious allegation and should never be thrown around lightly. And the fact that you just did that is something I have a problem with.

You can state your opinion, but do it civilly.

I am uncomfortable with silence. Also, swarming insects, particularly wasps. And the thought of being eaten alive.

Also a lot of other things I can't think of right now.

It's my opinion or point of view, I just don't always say it because it would be redudant. And is there another way to describe the process of abortion?

Can you explain more about the silence?
I guess it's more like removing the "potential" for living or the "potential" for even existing because abortions typically occur around the first trimester, where the embryo is just a clump of cells. Since your stream of consciousness comes from brain activity, those cells don't even have a brain yet, so, the human in it is still consciously nonexistent.

Abortions are typically already illegal in the third trimester though, where it actually does look like an infant.
yoshiking14x said:
It's my opinion or point of view, I just don't always say it because it would be redudant. And is there another way to describe the process of abortion?

Pregnancy can destroy the mother's life - or even end it.

No one wants to get an abortion, and in a perfect world, there wouldn't be abortions (aside from spontaneous abortions / miscarriages, which is how roughly a fifth of all pregnancies end anyway, without external interference). But the world isn't perfect: mistakes are made, accidents happen, contraceptives fail, shit goes down, and someone's health, mental well-being and/or life should not be ruined because of an unwanted pregnancy (however it happens). Even when the case isn't as dire, it's still my strong belief that the woman should still have a choice of what happens to her, rather than forcing her to be a walking incubator for a blob of cells that has no thoughts, no feelings, and no pain. Abortions are never taken lightly, and the women who choose them think about those choices forever - the last thing they need is to be labelled as murderers for protecting themselves using the only means they had left.

(I have strong opinions on this matter because, on-topic-ly, pregnancy is something that terrifies me, so much so that I'm considering sterilization -even though I luckily live in a country that gives me a choice should the unthinkable happen.)
Interesting, I am going to stop "talking" about in order to avoid "scratching the scab".

Another terrifying thing is unlimited ways to be wicked and I agree to a previous post about the effects of dying in the wrong way, in other words hell. I am trying too hard not to face it, which is why I am trying to eliminate any bad habits.
yoshiking14x said:
Peridot said:
You know, everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are certainly free to disagree with that process. But I believe that outright calling people who make that decision murderers is out of line. Murder is a very serious allegation and should never be thrown around lightly. And the fact that you just did that is something I have a problem with.

You can state your opinion, but do it civilly.

I am uncomfortable with silence. Also, swarming insects, particularly wasps. And the thought of being eaten alive.

Also a lot of other things I can't think of right now.

It's my opinion or point of view, I just don't always say it because it would be redudant. And is there another way to describe the process of abortion?

Can you explain more about the silence?

It is definitely not murder. As it has already been explained, an embryo is essentially a growth of cells without sapience, independent thought, or the capacity to feel pain, or anything really. It has the potential to grow into a sapient, independent organism at some point, but in that early stage, it cannot yet be called its own lifeform, and thus cannot be murdered.

If you do define abortion as murder, then logically that definition creates a whole slew of other problems.

There are, on average, approximately 300 million sperm cells released during ejaculation. Each of these cells have the potential to grow into a person, yet only the tiniest fraction of them (usually only a single one, sometimes two, very rarely more) are able to achieve this, while the other ones all die. So under that definition, by ejaculating you're willingly condemning 300 million people to die; Having sex turns you into a mass-murderer.

On a similar vein, for a woman, a new egg cell develops and travels to the uterus roughly every month. It too has the potential to grow into a person, but only when fertilized. If that doesn't happen, it gets flushed out and dies. And while you cannot classify this case as murder because the woman has no control over this, it essentially means that by not letting the egg be fertilized, she is allowing it to die. And legally, that would mean every time a woman has her period, she would be guilty of nonassistance of a person in danger, because she could have technically saved that egg.

Do you see the insanity of this definition?

This is of course not even going into the most important thing, which is that you do not get to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body, no matter what you yourself believe. And if your response to that is accusing them of murder, that just makes you look presumptuous. So don't do it.

As for the silence thing: I have a tinnitus. Its severity varies depending on things like stress, but it's there and I don't like hearing it. That's why I usually surround myself with something that generates sound. I also tend to sleep with the radio on.

yoshiking14x said:
Another terrifying thing is unlimited ways to be wicked and I agree to a previous post about the effects of dying in the wrong way, in other words hell. I am trying too hard not to face it, which is why I am trying to eliminate any bad habits.

I don't know what religion you belong to, and I'm sorry if I'm making assumptions. But in a christian context, hell as punishment for the wicked is a concept that the roman-catholic church themselves have coined to get the populace to attend sermons through fear. Similarly they invented "purgatory", a sort of mandatory sentence to confinement in cleansing holy fire, essentially so they could sell their "get out of purgatory free" cards. Not too much stock should be put in those scams, because that's all they are: Scams.

If you're familiar with the life and values of Jesus Christ, then trying to live your life as honest and close to his example as you can would be enough to get you in his good book. Jesus was a merciful man, and he would not want his people to live in fear of hell. That's why he died on the cross: To take the burden of sin and fear away and build a bridge to paradise.

a less serious answer, water. i still dont know how to swim. i dont need to im fine
I'm scared by complete sensory deprivation where all senses are just gone. It's kind of a weird fear, but thinking about it definitely terrifies me and there has been times where for a few seconds i think i lost all my sense sending me into full blown panic attacks.
I'm afraid of death as well, but mostly because I don't understand the loss of consciousness rather than going to hell, in which I firmly believe does not exist. It's like being not born, supposedly, but you just....can't...explain it. Nearly everything else you experience aside from past stuffed that happened when you're not there comes from your brain, including sleeping, near death experiences, general anesthetics, etc.
Bees. I've been stung once as a kid and it hurt a lot. It probably wouldn't hurt that much now, but the memory remains ;_;
Walkazo said:
yoshiking14x said:
It's my opinion or point of view, I just don't always say it because it would be redudant. And is there another way to describe the process of abortion?

Pregnancy can destroy the mother's life - or even end it.

No one wants to get an abortion, and in a perfect world, there wouldn't be abortions (aside from spontaneous abortions / miscarriages, which is how roughly a fifth of all pregnancies end anyway, without external interference). But the world isn't perfect: mistakes are made, accidents happen, contraceptives fail, *bleep* goes down, and someone's health, mental well-being and/or life should not be ruined because of an unwanted pregnancy (however it happens). Even when the case isn't as dire, it's still my strong belief that the woman should still have a choice of what happens to her, rather than forcing her to be a walking incubator for a blob of cells that has no thoughts, no feelings, and no pain. Abortions are never taken lightly, and the women who choose them think about those choices forever - the last thing they need is to be labelled as murderers for protecting themselves using the only means they had left.

(I have strong opinions on this matter because, on-topic-ly, pregnancy is something that terrifies me, so much so that I'm considering sterilization -even though I luckily live in a country that gives me a choice should the unthinkable happen.)


Although when an abortion happens, women feel such a mix of feelings, but relief is commonly reported as a dominant one. My mom had abortions. I used to be scared at the thought that Baby Luigi and I (who started as a single cell that split into two - identical twins) could've been part of it, but again, if that was the case, we might as well never existed or didn't care to exist.

Being pregnant also terrifies me, and the idea of sexual intercourse is something I find repulsive and frightening as well. I sometimes have thoughts of sterilization for my own safety in case I become a target (and I've been told that I might be a potential target due to my small frame).
Yeah, I have a slight build too and people used to act like I'd get raped the second I ventured out at night alone, even though I'm not particularly attractive at all (and am actually strong, fast, have no qualms about using my long fingernails to gore out eyeballs if attacked, and have taken self-defence classes, so my size is deceiving). But I've only ever been in a position where I had to seriously worry about my safety once, due to someone who himself had described me as small and fragile (in the context of getting trampled by people exiting a bus), tried to manipulate me into a sexual situation, and then started smashing bottles and acting vile in general after his attempt to woo other women also failed. I just made sure I was never alone with him the rest of the evening (refusing to leave when he asked for us to go early, and then giving a ride to two girls I had just met in addition to him (they had to go further) - the only reason I gave him a ride at all was because I was worried he'd vandalize my car if I just told him to beat it). Then I told him to never contact me again after the fact, at which point he denied having any intent on hurting me anyway, but still, the fact that I had to consider it all was scary shit.

(On that note, rape is another big terror for me. I'd honestly rather die than live through that.)
bees/wasps, clowns, being raped (or ever having sex for that matter), being bullied for who i am, losing the people i care about