Total Supermoon Eclipse Tonight

Xiahou Ba

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
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Ray Trace
There's going to be a lunar eclipse tonight, the last of the tetrad of them (four of them in the last 17 months). This time, however, it's going to occur when the moon is in a super moon state, that is, it's at its closest to Earth than its other cycles, thus making it appear larger and brighter than it usually is. The last supermoon lunar eclipse occurred in 1982, and the next won't occur until 2033.

If any of you is interested in seeing it, here's a guide of its start and end times, and regions where you can see it:

Basically, all of North and South America (barring parts of Canada and all of Alaska) and eastern Eurasia and most of Africa can see it.

It's the end of the world. < I don't buy that shit, by the way.
Is it called that because it's red?

I dunno what one looks like, so that's a pure guess.
Female Medic said:
Is it called that because it's red?

I dunno what one looks like, so that's a pure guess.
It's more like a copper color. Brownish. At least that's how Baby Luigi and I saw it last time.
I first heard about this by chance a couple weeks ago while looking up solar eclipses - very exciting. Fortunately I don't need to get up until only 6:00 AM tomorrow for a change, so I can actually stay up past 10:00 to see it (I'm in EDT).
Maybe we should take pictures while we're at it as a way of "I survived September 2015 lunar eclipse".
Oh my god, it's happening. A black shadow is slowly eating the moon.
Fox Mulder said:
ahahahahaha its raining over here of course it is why wouldnt it be

i cant see the moon, dammit
Yeah, the stupid weather people lied and said it's be visible here, but it's been completely clouded over since sundown. Much sadness.
Aaaand it just left behind a building. Ah, the curses of living relatively close to the north pole.

I gotta send an email to myself in the future reminding me of this in 2033 so I can see this again. I hope it's going to happen during the winter instead of early autumn.
Welp, the moon is slowly turning back into its illuminated self now.
I saw it at a friend's place. It was totally cool, and the moon turned a brownish reddish color. I really feel bad for people who had cloudy nights, it was a sight.
i went up to the top of mont royal in montreal to check this bad boy out

it was a lot of fun people were smoking and drinking all over the place and just generally being rowdy

unfortunately right before it was supposed to reach its peak intensity clouds came out

the view of the city was more interesting anyway
to be fair it wasn't that exciting, just ~20 minutes of being unable to see anything

at least, that's what it was like here. i could hardly tell the moon apart from the rest of the sky lol
I kind of wonder what was so super about this moon though? It pretty much looked the same way it always looks.