The Mother series


The Cardinal is dead -- long live The Cardinal!
Because just a Mother 3 topic isn't enough.

I really want an English patch for Mother 1+2.
I should really try a game of them sometime
Earthbound is the best (that you can find in English) imo.

Mother 3 is great, but the story is too heavy. Earthbound had a much more light plot.
ShyGuy27 said:
Earthbound is the best (that you can find in English) imo.

Mother 3 is great, but the story is too heavy. Earthbound had a much more light plot.
How heavy is it compared to Earthbound?
Nerdy Guy said:
ShyGuy27 said:
Earthbound is the best (that you can find in English) imo.

Mother 3 is great, but the story is too heavy. Earthbound had a much more light plot.
How heavy is it compared to Earthbound?
Earthbound has no plot. At all. Which means it's fame is all gameplay related.