Would you support the addition of inappropriate content to the original?


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
Awards Committee
Complaints are usually lodged on situations whenever inappropriate content are removed or replaced. Taking one recent example, Fatal Frame replaced lingerie costumes on the characters with some Nintendo-themed ones.

An interesting thought that comes to mind is: would it be preferable if inappropriate content are added or replaced in the original? For example, a character who is a non-smoker becomes a smoker (through adding a cigratte in that character's mouth at all times). Another example could be that, when one character suffers violence, rather than being off-screen, the entire fight is shown on-screen.

Would you support the addition of inappropriate content to the original?

Thanks for reading.
Adding inappropriate content just for the sake of it is dumb. The original art should be preserved.
never do anything without an actual reason, whether that's removing or adding explicit content

that should be obvious
I don't really give a damn unless it's as egregious as 4kids censorship towards anime

btw, the entire outburst at Fatal Frame's "censorship" is one of the most overly ludicrous forms of overreaction I had ever seen all year. Fatal Frame was never intended to be a fan-servicey game, and they replaced the bikini outfits with cool Nintendo-themed costumes, instead of outright removing it altogether.
I imagine that compared to the removal of content, there are almost no reason to add inexplicit content considering that almost any reason I could think of would be due to adding it for the sake of it. The removal of content at least has a few major reasons, being that it would make a certain group of people uncomfortable otherwise.

I do agree that any outrage on any censorship is generally overblown, including the recent Fatal Frame one, mainly because I don't see what's there to overreact about. Though I never played that game, I thought it's interesting that one of the persons who do (I read in another forum) mentioned that those who overreact by refusing that game by principle don't deserve the game anyway.

Thanks for reading.