How do you die from the thingy above?


Seems so long ago.
In this topic you have to say how do you die from something that the user posted above.

For example:

Poster 1: Goomba

Replier/Poster 2: Walk into it.

Simple as that.

A plumber.
Hmmm... He replaces his eggs with...

BOMBS. [/morshu]

A blade of grass.
Radioactive poisoning.

A super cool mecha mage giga super extra large Goomba in iron armor that has rocket launchers on it.
I trip over it, break my nose, and bleed to death.

A sea of lava and fire.
um, duh.

A goomba.
ParaBob-omb said:
Don't be so conventional. :(

The goomba eats a koopa, who's shell rolls down a cliff, killing a lakitu who drops his spinies on Bowser's head. Then Bowser crashes an airship into me. :)

A book.
ShyGuy27 said:
ParaBob-omb said:
Don't be so conventional. :(

The goomba eats a koopa, who's shell rolls down a cliff, killing a lakitu who drops his spinies on Bowser's head. Then Bowser crashes an airship into me. :)

A book.
If a person was dumb enough to eat the whole book without chewing he/she chokes and dies.

A Cloud.
:posh: is angry for being mentioned twice in this thread, so he shoots you.

Giygas. (If you don't know anything about Giygas, look it up on UTube first.)
Lario said:
:posh: is angry for being mentioned twice in this thread, so he shoots you.

Giygas. (If you don't know anything about Giygas, look it up on UTube first.)
I die, but you don't know why because you cannot grasp the true form of Giygas's attack.

Pokey (wimpy Mother 2 version)
Since he's alongside the Devil's Machine, he'll open it and let Giygas kill you.

A toilet.