Post anything you know or think the previous poster will like


Star Spirit
Just a quick game where whoever posted last, the next poster posts something they know or at least think the previous user likes.


User A is known for liking cute Puppies

User B posts this image:


User B in turn likes cute Kittens

User A or a different user can then post images like this:


They don't have to be images, they can also be videos or links to other kind of stuff.

The user who sees what was posted for them can confirm that they like it using well... the recently added like function. But it's certainly not a necessity.
But I thought everyone loved Awakening...
Striker Mario said:
But I thought everyone loved Awakening...

Awakening isn't bad but I think it's map design is really poor and the older games had a lot more strategy to them. Some of the worst maps in the series are from Awakening. Thankfully Fates seems to improve the map design. The storyline was really awful too, definitely the worst in the series out of the games I've played. Awakening has some of my favourite characters though (but fuck you Yarne and Tharja), so it has that going for it.


It's not like I literally looked it up....
I don't even know if it works, but I put it anyway.