Can you solve my riddle?


The Pun and Joke Master
I will give you a riddle.
You must solve my riddle.
It is a "who am I riddle."
Let's go!

Here it is: "I am tall when I am young, I am short when I am old, Fire gives me purpose, but I am man made and cannot occur in nature." What am I?
Whoever gets it will get a like!

I will say who gets it correct.
Well.... Dang it.....
10/10 thread would read again
Nope. I guess nobody is ready for my low budgeted home-made question. The answer was meant to be
a tounge and the cave with rocks is a mouth with teeth.

Also the Wingless Lion-headed Sphinx is just a lion.
Dude, I totally solved that. Hell, I got the lion part too:

Walkazo said:
I.e. a lion with boobs.

A woman's biting tongue?
My only mistake was thinking it was all one riddle due to the colon, thus giving me a more complicated answer, but still.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Could not put Humpty Dumpty together again
What surrounds you every day but isn't necessary for life or love and can be felt, but never touched?
Some kind of emotion.
The answer to yours was "this is a nursery rhyme, not a riddle".

Neither guess is right for mine, although I suppose it could be argued that there are certain emotions not needed for love, but generally relationships do involve the whole gambit in some form or another...
Walkazo said:
What surrounds you every day but isn't necessary for life or love and can be felt, but never touched?
Could be a lot of things. Not sure if you can read my mind, but I won't say it just for the sake of maintaining a good mood.
It's not supposed to be something that would affect mood.

Anyway, what I had in mind was
Good guesses, but there are places without all three:

Light = Not at night / inside in a blackout / in a cave.

Heat = Not outside in the winter in certain climates. Plus, you would die if out in the cold without any heat for too long: we're endotherms, but we're designed to live in Africa: the only reason we can survive in temperate and arctic environments is because we can use fire, clothes and constructions to keep ourselves warm.

People = Not if you're a hermit living in the woods.
You can feel matter, and you need both to live, or even exist.

Another hint line would be "everything produces it, but nothing consumes it". And it's nothing to do with emotions.