I'm building the complete Peach's Castle, inside and out, in Minecraft


So since Summer of 2015, I've been working on creating a complete and super-accurate Peach's Castle from Super Mario 64 in Minecraft. I'm now done with the inside and most of the outside. In fact, I'm about 95% done with the whole build. I've been streaming it on my Twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/solemndream) every day I've been working on it. Currently I've been building a new PC, which will be done Fall of 2016, and I won't be finishing up on the castle until the new PC's done. My current PC isn't up to the task of streaming anymore.

I've attached screenshots, but here's also my YouTube slideshow:

The home page for this build is my new Nintendo chat and message board at http://nintendosocial.com. After I'm done with this castle, I will provide it for download as a seamless schematic import package as well as a world download, with the castle set seamlessly into a normal 1.9 standard world. And after that? I create the entire world of Zelda: Link's Awakening, fully playable in Adventure Mode and very accurate. I wanted to make a Pokémon world, but there are challenges due to holes in the maps. Plus, other people have done a better job with functionality than I think I ever could. I do want to create other game worlds though, if I can find the right ones and the right ways to do them...

I hope you guys will enjoy my work!




Hobbes said:
Woah, that's impressive.
Vanilla Minecraft too, which is pretty neat. Most people end up using a texture pack to get certain textures looking right, but I'm always impressed when someone gets it to look right with just standard blocks.
Javelin said:
Hobbes said:
Woah, that's impressive.
Vanilla Minecraft too, which is pretty neat. Most people end up using a texture pack to get certain textures looking right, but I'm always impressed when someone gets it to look right with just standard blocks.

Link's Awakening's going to be vanilla, too. When I'm done and I do a full video tour of the castle, I'll commentate on every bit of it. There really is a lot to say (and learn) about building an accurate, complete Peach's Castle in Minecraft, especially in vanilla!
Looks really really well done! Great job!
Simply amazing, how did you pull it off?
Nintendo64Dude said:
Simply amazing, how did you pull it off?

I am super-picky and I have a high attention to detail and a lot of time. One thing that kept me motivated was streaming it on my Twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/thesolemndream) every day I built. I still don't have many viewers, but just streaming keeps you going. You feel disciplined to do it, I guess.

You have to make sure you take a lot of measurements on everything and cut no corners. Sometimes, intuition helps you determine the right sizes, shapes, and colors. And other times, you go based on a precedent you previously set. So you need a good memory. WorldEdit helps a ton and you have to be prepared to redo some work, try some different patterns, or move stuff around.

Although this build wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. I don't like working in polygons. Next time I will build Link's Awakening, and that will be a ton more fun for me!
Solemn said:
I still don't have many viewers, but just streaming keeps you going.
That's criminal.
Striker Mario said:
Solemn said:
I still don't have many viewers, but just streaming keeps you going.
That's criminal.

I stream at a good quality as far as I can tell, and use a mic and webcam. I should be getting more followers than this. Still, if you want to help, you can follow my channel. I know it's advertising, but it is what it is. I won't be streaming again for months though.
Well, I don't personally watch Streams myself nor am I involved in Minecraft, but either way, I feel your stuff should be much more popular because that looks like a ton of effort there. I think you just have to keep trying and making new things and maybe you'll get more people who want to see your work and stuff.