I have this weird feeling

Lord Bowser

Banned User
every so often, while I'm laying down on my bed, I get this weird sensation of pressure between my toes and (sometimes) on my knees. it's localized only in those areas and feels totally different from pins-and-needles. it doesn't hurt, and I can still move it freely (though it feels weird as fuck). this seems to affect my left leg more than my right leg. the pressure disappears on its own after a few minutes.

what is this called and is it something I should be worried about?

if anybody says gravity I will shank them
if you lay on your legs the wrong way it'll decrease your blood circulation which causes a feeling similar to what you're describing. if that's the case then the areas affected will turn red. or it could be a side effect from a med you take

alternatively just go see a doctor they're more likely to know what it is than people on the internet
it's called "your legs falling asleep" (well that's the informal term) and yeah Shadowshy is right; it's just due to poor circulation. don't cut off circulation to parts of your body and it won't happen.


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i get those on my right foot except they're really painful, i just refuse to trigger it and the problem is solved
Puddin said:
it's called "your legs falling asleep" (well that's the informal term) and yeah Shadowshy is right; it's just due to poor circulation. don't cut off circulation to parts of your body and it won't happen.


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also thanks for the info, webmd was trying to convince me that I had a nerve condition
have a headache?


got a rash?


sprain your ankle?
