What's your favorite awards show to watch?

Favorite awards show to watch?

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Donkey Kong
Every year we get various awards shows celebrating the best in movies, television, theatre, and music. They all have their own unique flair and styles. Which one do you enjoy watching the most each year?

It should be no surprise that the Tony Awards are my personal favorite. Something about the atmosphere of the Tonys feels much more "real" and less manufactured if that makes since. It's probably because it's live theatre but it's usually much more entertaining. Having live performances is probably what does it. It's the one that feels the least like a competition and the most like a celebration of the art form itself.

So what are your thoughts? Which one did you enjoy the most?
I used to watch every single awards show, but my excitement about them has significantly dropped. The Grammy's used to be my favorite to watch but now it'd probably be the Emmy's.
Oscars, definitely. I always feel like the person who won really deserved it and is/was an excellent actor/actress.
I watch the Grammy Awards, nothing like having music having awards though that music isn't as good as back in the day...