9,001 Bottles of beer on the wall...

9000 bottles of beer on the wall, 9000 bottles of beer

Don't take one down pass it around because-we're-too-young-to-drink.

8999 bottles of beer on the wall.
8999 bottles of beer on the wall, 9000 bottles of beer

Take one down, smash it on the ground

8998 bottles of beer on the wall.
8998 bottles of beer on the wall

8998 bottles of beer

take one down

sell it for money

8997 bottles of beer on the wall
8997 bottles 'o beer on teh wall...

8997 bottles of beer...

Take one down...

Set it aflame...

8996 bottles of beer onn the wall...
8996 bottles of beer on the wall

8996 bottles of beer

Take on down

Act like a clown

8995 bottles of beer on the wall
8995 bottles of beer on the wall............................

8995 bottles of beer................

Take one down, freeze it and put it down Lario's shirt,

8994 bottles of beer on the wall!
8994 bottles of beer on the wall!
8994 bottles of beer!
Go to the store!
Buy some more!
8995 bottles of beer on the wall............................
8995 bottles of beer on the wall!
8995 bottles of beer!
Some goes to a bum!
& With soda I say Yum!
8000 bottles of beer on the wall!........
FTW? HE agh whatever, I don't like beer.