What time is it for you?


Artisanal Cheese Taster
time for you to get a watch hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahha
what's even the point of this topic

it's two arbitrary numbers with no real meaning or value to anyone except the poster, and even then the number changes so frequently that it's pointless to post it. i don't care that lakituthequick's time was at 11:17 because it sure as hell isn't at that now

you may as well make a topic asking how much battery you have left on your device

thanks for joining me in this episode of MCD Gets Upset For No Reason At All
I don't know. All the clocks in my house are going backward at an alarmingly fast rate. I tried checking my phone, but that just add the clocks go faster.