

how about a rousing game of pool
so for whatever reason I can't get any emojis to come up in my posts anymore, the preview button shows them coming up blank

I see ones that are in previous posts by others, and ones that are in my own posts

Maybe I'll see if they show up when I actually make the post:

EDIT: They do, so this isn't really a big problem I guess

Still, why do they not show up in my preview now? They used to
Is a thing with Ajax calls (i.e. fetching info without refreshing the page) that gets rid of all characters with a sufficiently high Unicode codepoint (every character has its own number, majority of emoji have very high numbers).

Preview and quick edit use that, so those will kill emoji, but regular posting and editing doesn't.

Is indeed a bug as 22 mentioned. SMF is fairly old so it doesn't surprise me on that department, but in this day and age it is strange they didn't fix it yet.

Haven't bothered to look into why it happens exactly. SMF has more funny problems.