Nickelodeon making a cartoon of 'world famous' game

Xiahou Dun

The essence of my parents cannot be thrown away!
Wiki Bureaucrat

Frederator Studios' founder Fred Seibert revealed on a Nick Animation podcast that "We have a project now that we’re doing that needs to go unnamed, based on one of the most world famous video games of the last 30 years, that we’ve had in our shop for twelve years without being able to get it started. But there were great characters and a great story, and eventually we got it going."

Interesting, they're talking about a game from the past 30 years. Still, people are speculating. We ruled out Pac-Man, Sonic, and Mega Man. Could this really be Nintendo? I myself don't want to get my hopes up. I've seen speculating that it's possibly Castlevania since Frederator Studios owns that and Adi Shankar was working on an animated miniseries based on Castlevania in 2015.
With Nickelodeon these days, it could either turn out really good or really crap.
If this is Castlevania and not Mario, I'm probably going to be gravely disappointed. Especially because we haven't seen a Mario cartoon series since the Super Mario World one. Also, keep in mind they say "most famous", and even though Castlevania is famous, I'm not sure if it is one of THE most famous video game franchises. So, it's equally possible it's a Mario cartoon.

And I'm really, really hoping it is, even if it'll probably be sub-par.
Honestly I'd rather have nick keep its grubby fingers out of something I like. I do not have faith that I would like a video game adaptation from them.
With Nintendo looking to expand and given the time frame of about 30 years, I'm gonna place my chips on a Zelda cartoon. On the off-chance it isn't Nintendo, I'll go with Castlevania.
Given there was a Rocko's Modern Life game on the SNES this clearly means we're getting a Rocko's Modem Life reboot
I do not really know what it could be, but it could be a Non-Nintendo related game. Maybe something like Pacman for example, or Link. Hell, it could even be a Metroid cartoon! As long as it is a video game I like and that it is a good cartoon, I will love it.
i think we need to have an eye on pwnnd if this ends up being castlevania he might have a heart attack
Meta Knight said:
Honestly I'd rather have nick keep its grubby fingers out of something I like. I do not have faith that I would like a video game adaptation from them.
I agree. Nick can no longer make good shows. And if they do they will fuck it up in no time. It has happened time and time again for the past decade or more.
If this is Mario and it results in any sort of crossover between him and SpongeBob I'll be excited, since I'm one of the few who thinks modern Spongebob isn't as bad as some say.
Actually, I'd agree with you. Their current team of writers is far better than the last couple of seasons.

Newcomer Jack Pendarvis shows a lot of potential

Kyle McCullough is a writer on South Park who also co-wrote SpongeBob's "Skill Crane" back in Season 4

Kaz was a prominent SpongeBob writer back in Season 3 who co-wrote "Nasty Patty", "Wet Painters", "Chocolate With Nuts", "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V", "Mid-Life Crustacean", and "I Had An Accident", all episodes I enjoyed.