Favorite PS2 Games


Damsel in Distress
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The title basically says it all.

I mentioned it earlier in a different thread, but I love Ape Escape 2. The platforming complimented the bizarre control scheme perfectly, and the quirkiness of the characters kept me engaged throughout. I'd rate it 9.5/10

JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Ōgon no Kaze


i never owned a ps2 this is a shitpost
ratchet and clank going commando, ratchet and clank up your arsennal, jak and daxter, jak 2, jak 3, shadow hearts 1-3, final fantasy x, final fantasy x-2, tales of the abyss, chaos legion, dmc1, dmc3, shinobi, dynasty warriors gundam 2, wipeout fusion, final fantasy 12, ar tonelico, mana khemia 2 , shin megami tensei nocturne, persona 4.

i guess thats it out of just pure memory.
ico, shadow of the colossus, kingdom hearts, dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3, sonic mega collection plus

off the top of my head
I never owned a PS2, so I didn't play the games it had that much. But my favorite game for the system was Star Wars: Battlefront II. Most of my friends had it, so it was the go-to multiplayer game whenever I went over to someone's house.
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
Crash Nitro Kart
Crash Tag Team Racing
Crash Twinsanity
Devil May Cry 3
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Known as The Legend of Aang for the PAL version, which I own)

That's the only PS2 game I own. It was inside my silver PS2 slim which I got for 10 bucks at a thrift store.

It used to run pretty well on the console, but then the game began to flat-out refuse to spin in the console (Likely due to the scratches from the previous owner(s) but it still runs all CDs and some DVDs perfectly.

I might borrow another PS2 game to test in the console. Which ones would you recommend? No games that are too easy or have bland gameplay, unless they're shovelware (Which, by the way, I would buy as a joke)
i pretty much had a ps2 for the sole purpose of tekken, soul calibur, mvc2, and metal gear solid
i havent actually seriously answered this

the best ps2 games i have are probably ff10, ico, persona 4 and the sonic mega collection

i dont actually have the ps2 version of shadow of the colossus so lol
Star Wars Battlefront II
Driv3r (so many memories despite its questionable quality)
Dynasty Warriors franchise
I think my most-played PS2 game is Super Bust-a-Move (even then, not that much). Yeah, that one with the baby boxart. Other games my brother played were Metal Gear Solid with Raiden, Rayman Revolution, some Dynasty Warriors game and Samurai Warriors, Devil May Cry, and Persona 3.
Favorite game on the PS2 was obviously Persona 3. That game had a heavy impact on me, and I'm planning on doing a 2nd playthrough.

Also Lefty you played Persona 3? Wow, never knew :O
Ohi salty

And I watched my bro play Persona 3, that's a different matter from actually playing it. :P