Stooben Star Spirit Chat Administrator Retired Wiki Staff Feb 18, 2009 #1 Just write down some funny observations here. Why do they call hemorrhoids "hemorrhoids", rather than "assteroids"? -- George Carlin EDIT: If I had a larger salary, I might pay attention. -- Me
Just write down some funny observations here. Why do they call hemorrhoids "hemorrhoids", rather than "assteroids"? -- George Carlin EDIT: If I had a larger salary, I might pay attention. -- Me
S Smiddle Power Star Feb 19, 2009 #2 "I'm not completely sure about what weapons will be fought with in WWIII, but in WWIV rocks and sticks are going to be used." -Albert Einstein So true.
"I'm not completely sure about what weapons will be fought with in WWIII, but in WWIV rocks and sticks are going to be used." -Albert Einstein So true.
SiFi Star Spirit Pronouns he/him MarioWiki SiFi Feb 19, 2009 #3 "Aren't cows female?" "Yes." "Then what the hell is Mr. Cow?" - Me and Stooby
Stooben Star Spirit Chat Administrator Retired Wiki Staff Feb 19, 2009 Thread starter #4 How do clams fight things tooth and nail? -- Me
S Smiddle Power Star Feb 19, 2009 #5 "When it comes to eating brownies, not even the finest of plates is required" -Me