If you can have three wishes, what would they be?

Smiley The Hun

I accidentally whored shoulders
Retired Wiki Staff
If you have three wishes? What would they be? (And no wishing for more wishes!!)

1. To see my dad again.
2. To be wealthy. (I would give some money to donations funds.)
3. Well I don't know...maybe I would use this wish to either to go back in time to the day Nov 29, 08, or I'll would use it to wish that my friend never dare my other friend to do something stupid.
1: The Power to manipulate Gravity
2: The power to fly
3: To be able to survive in space without a suit/ship.
1. For me to take over the world so I can save it...

2. To join YouTube and they auctually let me do things.

3. For a cookie of the chocolate chip kind.

That is all.
Lario said:
1. For me to take over the world so I can save it...

2. To join YouTube and they auctually let me do things.

3. For a cookie of the chocolate chip kind.

That is all.
So you're going to save the world from your seft?? ???
1. I'd wish for $100,000 that way I wouldn't have to live in an RV.

I'm sparing with wishes.
I don't know what to wish for, for my thirth wish.

1) Draw more creatively (may be obvious)
2) <reserved incase of emergency>
3) Run like the wind...! (not seriously! also reserved)
1. If I screw up a wish, then I get to retry it.

2. Become the youngest governor of Wyoming. (It's a cool state :3)

3. To save this wish for future needs. (Does that mean I used it?)
1. More than obvious.
2. Create chocolate that you can eat as much as you like and never put on any weight.
1. To be able to transform into Neurario at will in RL. That would be epic.

2. A hundred dollars per week is all I ask.

3. I also wish...that... the rule about wishing for wishes didn't exist and that I had more wishes.