also I hang out here, I guess
What is R-132?
A webserial using familiar 132 elements and characters while not operating within the confines of User fiction. This means that no users or "real people" are depicted therein, though if you catch an influence or two you may be onto something.
Why not post it on Userpedia?
The short answer is I'm done with Userpedia and the confines of user fiction. The long answer is that User fiction uses real people, and real people die. That's not something I want to think about, ergo no characters depicted in R-132 are intentional adaptions of real people from my life or this site.
What's the plan with this site?
This is where I'll be posting things- if it takes off, I'll move R-132 to a new domain in the future. For now, Stooben is graciously hosting R-132 in a subdomain of Xephyr. The story will be funded by donations and non-intrusive on-page advertisements. Once a "season" is complete, I'll also be bundling the contents of the season into an eBook, alongside extra content, as an optional way for readers to support the author.
Do you have any new features planned?
Absolutely. I'll eventually be making it where each chapter has different background and text colors depending on who its narrator is. I'm also looking into having art done to illustrate key characters, weapons, insignias and so on. This is a passion project for me.
What's the release schedule?
An episode a week, every Friday, until the end of a season. Season breaks will last for a currently-unspecified amount of time, while season premieres will debut with two episodes instead of one.
What's the story even about?
The base plot will sound familiar enough to anyone that's read my work. There are 9 Elements, 9 Great Beasts embodying them, and 9 Ancestors, sealed away alongside a powerful evil, who mastered them. The main protagonists are found in Michael Lockheart and Nalia Cynd, but the similarities end right about there. I'd recommend checking out the double-episode premiere to get an idea of how this story begins.