Video Game Moments that Terrified You


Damsel in Distress
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This is a thread where you can mention any of those spoopy video games moments that have left a mark on you. These can be ones that scared you when you were younger or ones that terrify you to this day.

As I was first playing through Undertale, I most certainly picked up on its darker tones, especially with the True Lab, but the game stayed relatively tame. There were no moments that were terrifying for me. Intimidating, sure. But not scary.

But then you reach Omega-fucking-Flowey

I suppose it was less of the fight and more of the intro. The whole monologue Flowey delivers really puts you on edge, with the buzzing background and the static every time he moves on to the next section. But when the boss battle begins, oh man. Omega Flowey is such a stark contrast to the rest of the game, and combined with the tension, music, reveal of Flowey's new face, and that fucking laugh... Damn. Looking back upon it now, it isn't quite as terrifying as it once was, but the first time I saw him will forever be etched into my memory.
The vortex scene in Super Mario Galaxy scared me to death when I was younger. I never figured out why though.
Time to talk about Pokemon!

Yeah, Pokemon is a pretty twisted game series at times. There are some very bizarre and creepy moments, like the arrival of Giratina and the Lumiose Ghost Girl. However, I think that the most terrifying things ever put into any Pokemon games are the music tracks.

Everybody knows about Lavender Town, but there are a few other tracks that go under some radars.

There's Old Chateau/Forest House, which is a bit tamer in my opinion but I can see why it's feared...

Or Drought, which is unnerving as hell as it continuously loops with no build to anything (although personally I find it hard to choose whether Ruby or Omega Ruby has the more terrifying version, so have both)...

Or my personal favorite, N's Room from B2W2, which I think speaks more about the character than any cutscenes in the game.
- the cannibal in The Last of Us
- the executions in Zero Time Dilemma
Redeads and Gibdos from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask used to very frighten me when I was child, but I no longer get nightmares about them.
Nearly everything in The Haunted Mansion game. Especially those screaming bitches, the grim reaper and the sound of the footsteps of knights approaching you.
As many say, I was terrified by the ending of SMG, but now, the only thing that happens I let go a teardrop or two.

I never really played Earthbound, but I watched videos of it, and I was creeped out by Giygas in the background of the final boss fight, without even knowing who he was. He still scares me to this very day.
Pink_Gold_Peach said:

This one. Oh my god.

These little guys from Sonic Adventure 2 also terrified me so much as a child I spent months stuck in the levels they're in. Up to this day they still make me breathe a bit heavier, probably some kind of "trauma" idk


edit: oh and, while I wouldn't call it terrifying, it was definitely on the unsettling side (Super Paper Mario spoilers alert)
I saw pictures of the Elegy of Emptiness statues on Miiverse before actually getting far enough in Majora's Mask 3D to see them. Therefore, I almost dreaded getting to Ikana because it meant I would have to be in a room with those things. I think it had worn off before I actually got to that point though.
The OoT/MM incarnation of Peahats triggers my Batanophobia something fierce, I'd gladly fight a army of Deadhands and ReDeads any day over those pineapple abominations.