What do you think the future of the Zelda series will be?


Damsel in Distress
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After such a monumental game as Breath of the Wild, it's hard to say where the Zelda series will continue from here. So what do you think is going to happen in the future for Zelda?

Personally, I think that the Zelda series will, from now on, be split into two subseries:

We'll have the "main" Zelda series, which will expand upon what Breath of the Wild started upon.

However, I believe Nintendo will continue to create dungeon crawling Zelda games, and this is where Toon Link will indefinitely reside. Thus, we'll have a sort of Classic or Toon series to coincide with the main series. This is already a tactic Nintendo was sort of using, but I also believe this means that we won't see another open-world Zelda game with Toon Link in it for a long time.
Well, Breath of the Wild was, in my opinion, an achievement for Nintendo and it will be hard to make another game like this, but I can still expect something like it every now and then.
This is a very good question. To me, it's always seemed to be that OOT was so great and revolutionary that every one of the main titles tried to imitate it, but never got quite as good. Those games are Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword (Majora's Mask doesn't really count because it's a direct sequel and it uses the same engine). So, when they started developing BOTW, they decided to stop using the OOT formula and try something new. They did, and it was like a second revolution. So what now? Are they going to make games that use BOTW's formula? I guess so. Overall, I think Roserade might be right, that they'll have the main series expand on BOTW's formula and have a secondary series that sticks more to Link Between Worlds style, though possibly with Toon Link like in Triforce Heroes. This might be odd considering that both series' will be on the Switch if Nintendo doesn't make a 3DS successor, as the main series is traditionally on console while the secondary series has been on handheld. However, according to this article from February, Nintendo already considers a 2D series running concurrently with the main series on Switch a possibility, so it' reasonable to think that.
Wind Waker was far better then Ocarina of time and was up until breath of the wild the best zelda game.
I want another Hyrule Warriors.
This is the point in the series where they'll be (for the time being) exhausted of new ideas for the mainline zelda games, and so they'll turn to wacky spinoff games to hold people over.

Zelda Kart, here we go!
^I'd play the hell out of Zelda Kart, no jokes about it.
Sir Cucumber said:
Wind Waker was far better then Ocarina of time and was up until breath of the wild the best zelda game.
Well, my point was that OOT started a formula and TWW, TP, and SS largely followed that formula, regardless of whichever was actually the best, then BOTW did something new. Whether TWW is better than OOT or not doesn't really detract from the point I was trying to make.