Kirby: Star Allies


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Thoughts? Predictions?
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

I hope they have Kirbys for options of player 2. Would rather play as them for helpers.

And also, I REALLY hope they improve helper bots. They've always been notoriously bad.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Unsurprisingly, this was my favorite part of the spotlight. I love that they brought back both Clean Kirby as well as ability mixing from Kirby 64.

Hopefully it's not too far off in 2018.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Wasn't expecting a Kirby Switch game so soon, hyped as heck for it though.

This game looks absolutely gourgous graphics-wise, wasn't expecting helpers, I think I prefer RTDL's version of multiplayer but hey something different is still nice. Bring back Bio Spark helper plz HAL

The ability mixing like Squeak Squad looks cool, hopefully it's expanded on more.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Yep, if I get the chance to get that game, then why not? For what I know, Kirby hasn't really disappointed anyone. It looks great overall, even though graphic are not hugely different from RtDL.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Plumber Peach said:
Yep, if I get the chance to get that game, then why not? For what I know, Kirby hasn't really disappointed anyone. It looks great overall, even though graphic are not hugely different from RtDL.
Really? Sure, Kirby's model looked similar, but I feel like there's a lot more detail present than RtDL had.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Yeah I know but when I first Saw it it screamed RtDM to me maybe because the location is the same, it took me a while to really realize the difference. It was more of a shoutout if you know what I mean.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

so could we make combination helpers?
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Looks alright, still early in development obviously but the initial concept shown has me intrigued.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

This looks... exactly the same as other Kirby games. I have a question for you Kirby fans: how come you don't mind that Kirby often has the exact same gameplay and graphical style when you dislike that in the NSMB series? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this game looks reeealy similar to RtDM and Triple Deluxe.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Because Kirby actually adds stuff that makes each new installment have it's own identity.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Luigi 64DD said:
This looks... exactly the same as other Kirby games. I have a question for you Kirby fans: how come you don't mind that Kirby often has the exact same gameplay and graphical style when you dislike that in the NSMB series? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this game looks reeealy similar to RtDM and Triple Deluxe.
They use the same formula, but they always have a creative twist.

If we look at the NSMB series, you get:
The same type of worlds each time
The same plotline
The same characters as bosses
Incredibly similar power-ups
Very few unique animations

Comparatively, the Kirby series alters things. With entirely new bosses, worlds, Abilities, and gimmicks every time. Kirby has figured out how to twist a formula to be creative no matter the circumstances. The gameplay may be similar, but there's always something new, which can't be entirely said about the NSMB series.

Have you played a Kirby game before?
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Ah, I get it. I suppose you can't judge a book (or game) by its cover.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Reize said:
Luigi 64DD said:
This looks... exactly the same as other Kirby games. I have a question for you Kirby fans: how come you don't mind that Kirby often has the exact same gameplay and graphical style when you dislike that in the NSMB series? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this game looks reeealy similar to RtDM and Triple Deluxe.
They use the same formula, but they always have a creative twist.

If we look at the NSMB series, you get:
The same type of worlds each time
The same plotline
The same characters as bosses
Incredibly similar power-ups
Very few unique animations

Comparatively, the Kirby series alters things. With entirely new bosses, worlds, Abilities, and gimmicks every time. Kirby has figured out how to twist a formula to be creative no matter the circumstances. The gameplay may be similar, but there's always something new, which can't be entirely said about the NSMB series.

Have you played a Kirby game before?
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Though I'm a Kirby fan, that Whispy Woods or a lookalike being the first boss is really starting to grind on me despite this going on for practically over a decade and also I AM noticing the similarity between this and Return to Dreamland and Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot and the super similarities are starting to rub me.

So in a sense I think Luigi 64DD has a point.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

It's a lot of the same game just done really well
but this one's got combo moves and that's fucking exciting
cause this means we might get Refrigerator Kirby again
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Oh yes, that's a fun powerup and a fun forum theme to go by. ;)

Rock + Cutter was among the best of the comboes though. It's even a bit OP I think. Pitch.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Rock Rock
Smash everything leave nothing unsmashed
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

I don't think that mix abilities will work entirely like 64. The only ones that are shown off seem to be more like Squeak Squad where you need an element and a physical, so I don't think combining Water and Fire or two of the same ability will work. The combos shown were Water + Hammer, Water + Bomb, Fire + Sword and Ice + Rock for reference. Ice + Rock does look similar to that ability in 64 so it's not going to ignore 64 either but I just don't think that's how it works. I could be wrong though, I would really like fridge Kirby back.

Also my friend pointed out that the helpers will change colours depending on what player they are, so if you want to be a blue parasol Waddle Dee I think you can do that, which is neat.
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Bubsy said:
It's a lot of the same game just done really well
but this one's got combo moves and that's fucking exciting
cause this means we might get Refrigerator Kirby again
but we can't forget about the absolute best ability in the series

melting ice block
Re: Kirby for Nintendo Switch

Long as King Dedede doesn't spend the whole game under a rock this time.