What are your preferred study habits?


just some guy
My favourite way to study is being alone in a quiet room, rewriting every page of the source material (even if I had previously made notes on it) while listening to music. How does everyone else like to study? no i didn't just make this topic because i'm upset how exam week hasn't even started yet, what are you talking about
My favorite method of studying is not studying at all.

Real talk, I basically just read over the material and terms I need to know until they're stuck in my mind for the test. Then U forget about them until I need them again.
George Costanza said:
My favorite method of studying is not studying at all.

that face when you come into a room and someone makes the exact fucking joke you came to make
Re-writing every page seems like an incredible waste of time imo
Waiting until the last second before the test.
I generally don't bother studying cause school is useless. If I do, it's the night before for like an hour until I get sidetracked.

Last exams I only studied for maths. I got my results back the other week and I got ~80% in everything but maths, where I got 67%.

If there's one thing I learnt from that, it's to make sure to not study.
Making mind-maps, or a one page summary for every topic or chapter.

Another method which a friend recommended was called a "palace map", where in your mind you think of every topic as a room in a palace, and you itemise important key points as objects in those rooms, or smaller rooms attached to larger rooms.
No more grades, everyone, tomorrow, my last test is PE, which I don't have to study. Although I always forget to study until the day just before. Heck, sometimes I don't even study but end up getting good grades.
Billie Holiday said:
Another method which a friend recommended was called a "palace map", where in your mind you think of every topic as a room in a palace, and you itemise important key points as objects in those rooms, or smaller rooms attached to larger rooms.
I actually tried that once! I ended up getting so sidetracked during the test, I replaced most of the room's contents with animals.

Plumber Peach said:
sometimes I don't even study but end up getting good grades.
I've never studied for a single history test this semester. I'm at an 80% in the course.
Remembering to take my meds for once and actually remembering to study something.
Well I don't study anymore since I have a job. But I remember I used to study only the afternoon, I didn't want the morning or late in the night. Since I was studying mathematics, it was mostly about trying to prove the theorems and doing again some exercises. I couldn't study without listening music, I was listening Nintendo or anime music mostly, and I still do the same in my workplace. :D
*Write down the most important information, e.g. equations, from the source material.
*Cover the information and then say it out loud from memory, without looking.
*Check if I got it right, and then repeat until I'm confident with it.
*Answer practice questions about the topic.
Studying a week before the test by re-reading all the materials at least once per day, doing practices questions from the required textbooks and going over the review sheet that my professors gives me.

I usually study in a quiet environment, but if that option isnt available ill start listening to instrumentals of my favorite songs

works great for me

i didnt start studying until i hit college the schools here in philly are really behind with their curriculums
I listen to music while copying stuff down into notebooks. All my classes have exam review sheets so that helps a lot. Speaking of studying, I had my first exam today. It wasn't hard but I think I probably could have done better on it.
I didn't study much, only for a few tests in business and legal studies, and never outside of school hours. I'd condense all the notes I took in class into as few pages as possible, then I'd memorise the pages (+ some of the textbook) and the most notable words on them so that during the test I could just remember the keyword or the physical location of the notes on the pages to recall all the information I studied.

Otherwise I'd just cram an hour before the test.

It depended on the teacher + class I was studying for. I cared much more about business and legal because the teacher was cool (he was okay with me sleeping in class :thumbup:) meanwhile I never had to do any dedicated study for psychology or english because they just sorta clicked.
Read. :boshi:
Burn everything and sleep for hours

Reading notes while listening to music and sobbing uncontrollably into math textbooks after doing one problem.