Vending machine


I wish this forum game was popular. I saw some similar threads of them, but all of them were dead. I thought I'd try this. It's not something copied like granting a wish or something else, for your information.

So anyways, the rules are simple.

Player 1:
I insert a coin.

Player 2:
You get a frog.

I insert a computer.

Player 3:
You get an hat.

I insert a Pokèball.

Etc. In short, the first player inserts something, the second post says what he gets and inserts at same time a item, and this game will repeat itself on. It's really fun, but I'm new here, so I want to introduce myself. You can see my introduction on another thread.

I'll start.

I insert a wallet.
You get a pity coin.
A51_Trooper inserts nothing.

A51_Trooper gets a dead Wario.

I insert the dead Wario.
LeftyGreenMario gets 25 Waluigi clones.
BBQ Turtle inserts Roy's sunglasses.
A51 gets a can of blended Undead Motors.
BBQ Turtle inserts an MP3 player.
A51 gets an error message because I don't know what a gharial is

Luigi 64DD inserts the abstract concept of justice
The vending machine breaks.

Gabby installs a new one.

You get a coin.

I put in a bag of doritos.
You get Cool Ranch Doritos.

Yoshi the SSM puts in his tongue and is able to get something out using it without getting rid of tongue.
A51 gets more white chocolate, like come on that's the best kind of chocolate.

Koops inserts a flower pot.