CSS in Forum Threads?


always lurking in the shadows in appreciation
her/it/him (&)
I want to use CSS elements in a forum post, but can't quite figure out how... So, uh, how do I do that?

(no, [css] tags aren't a thing here. i know they're a thing on other places, but not here from what i can tell.)
I don't think you can, though I'm not certain on that.
You can do it in forums that use Acmlmboard (such as Kafuka), but this isn't Acmlm, so ehhh
I'm like 90% sure it isn't possible, at least not in vanilla SMF. What are you trying to do? There may be some BBCode that can do it for you.
As the others said, it is not possible to use CSS in SMF. If the admin allows HTML to be used in postings, you can use inline-CSS within HTML-tags like <div> or <span>. Otherwise you have to use the available BBCodes.
@everyone, do never allow html to be included in posts or else ill personally come and behead you thanks
Aww I did made a pretty sweet post layout in other forums.
Well, darn. I was really hoping to use CSS to help spruce up my signature, since it's a lot better if you can actually use text (links and whatnot) but I guess that's not happening. Unless, of course, I kindly ask the staff to start a survey if there's interest, and people actually are equally interested as I am, but the odds of that are none out of none.
Camwoodstock said:
Well, darn. I was really hoping to use CSS to help spruce up my signature, since it's a lot better if you can actually use text (links and whatnot) but I guess that's not happening. Unless, of course, I kindly ask the staff to start a survey if there's interest, and people actually are equally interested as I am, but the odds of that are none out of none.
They'll never activate HTML for all users, because errors in the HTML code of a posting can destroy the whole page's layout.