Elgato + OBS, quality issue


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
I'm trying to set up OBS to record from my Elgato HD60 capture device. Testing on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and it seems no matter what settings I use (seemed like bitrate was the issue but i thought that only mattered if you were streaming) I always get some nasty JPEG artifacts, particularly when there's lots of motion.


This is the best quality I've gotten in 1080p 30fps so far. 60fps just makes the video constantly freeze and stutter. I'm looking at my TV screen now and everything looks so fluid and perfect, any way I can get that quality or at least closer to it, with my Elgato + OBS?
You're always gonna get artefacts with video compression, that's how the compression works. Increasing the bitrate will minimise it a bit, but the file size will also increase.

If the capture card does the compression to transfer the frames over the wire, you would need to turn up the settings there if possible, otherwise there's probably not a lot to do about it.

I don't know enough about OBS to say where settings may be for this.
60fps lagging asf could be an issue of your pc, at least it was an issue for me (try running obs with integrated graphics instead of whatever video card you have, that worked wonders for me somehow).

Bitrate actually always matters and for HD I recommend setting it to AT LEAST 5000, for best quality you possibly want even more.