Should the Broodals appear in spin off games?


Heart of an ox
So, the Broodalsm Bowser's new quickly minions and overall the most noticeable new characters in Oddessey that aren't hats, would you like them to appear in Spinoffs? I think the main thing deciding it for me is if I'll have the same problem with the Koopalings in 8 where there is so many of them there isn't much breathing room for the rest of the roster, if they find a way to avert it, than they're fine by me :)
As long as my favorite characters are there, I don’t mind any new faces.

But you know, they should’ve also included Nabbit.
From my experience with them, they're pretty much discount Koopalings. I think they add so little the universe, I wouldn't really care if they're gone or if they appear in more games.
If they're key characters in a key game, that's good enough for me. Which is also why I feel the Sprixie Princesses (or at least just the green one since she's the face of the group) deserve more than just Ultra Smash.
I'm indifferent so I don't care if they appear or not.
id like to see them again in a mario party title, but otherwise i cant really think of a role they would fill the koopalings dont already
I want Madame Broodal playable in the next Mario Kart.
no they look dumb and gross
Korekiyo Shinguji said:
I don't really care, but the Koopalings are so much better in every single way.

one of them is literally morton in bunny drag
Yeah, I've not played the game, but from what I've seen so far, I'm with TheSuperStarSaga. I only really like the look of Harriet. I don't think the design of the others is quite so good, it just seems like the same face and body reshaped (Or put on Morton. Spewart just looks like a total Morton ripoff. And I don't like Morton, so there's a great start for my opinion on the character.), except for Madame Broode, who, like Harriet, looks like they put some thought into.
Madame Brood looks like the more thought out Broodal to me too tbh, I really like how they somehow made her look like the "Mafia Godmother". Rango doesn’t look too bad to me though, I thought he looked funny the first time I saw him.

And yeah, Harriet looks good too. Gotta agree with some people.
Nah, or if they had to include one it'd be Madam Broodal because let's face it the amount of salt that would generate would be amazing, almost Honey Queen reborn, and like PGP I'd use her just for the fun of it

I'd love to see Mayor Pauline, Cappy and hell even Goombette appear before that, though. Uncle Amiibo too :dk2:
they will even if we dont want them too

and you know what

the likelihood of them replacing koopalings is a lil too high for my taste
Paper Jorge said:
they will even if we dont want them too

and you know what

the likelihood of them replacing koopalings is a lil too high for my taste
Imagine if they actually do that and the Koopalings disappear for yet another 6 years at least... how can then they come back? Not as children because Bowser Jr., not as underlings because Broodals, that would be quite the conudrum...
Madam Broodal might actually mark the end of Honey Queen/PGP-style roster choices. They were grasping at straws for heavy characters, but now that they've got her there's no need for that.
inb4 she's too big
Mister Wu said:
Imagine if they actually do that and the Koopalings disappear for yet another 6 years at least... how can then they come back? Not as children because Bowser Jr., not as underlings because Broodals, that would be quite the conudrum...
Nah, they're wedding planners, so they won't appear in any other platformers because Odyssey will be the only one with a wedding theme.

I'd rather them not be in spin-offs. They just aren't interesting enough and aren't gonna be recurring. Same goes for the Sprixies.
I can see Harriet being playable in the next Mario Tennis or something, just because she's popular.
I will never get Harriet's popularity. To me, she's an ugly piece of -----