Every time Miyamoto opens his mouth and inserts his opinions about the Marioverse, it's either something wrong, or something I don't agree with, I.e., Koopalings. aren't 'skids. I've always visualized Mario as being AT LEAST in his middle thirties, possibly early forties. I mean, come ON! If he's only 24, that means two years ago, he was only 22! *bleep*, please. I'd assume that he was about that age when he was just starting out as a carpenter who was then known as Jumpman (late teens or early 20's back then). It wouldn't make sense otherwise, as Cranky is the original Donkey Kong, and he was Donkey Kong's age now at the time. I know gorillas don't live as long as humans, but not by THAT MUCH, it's not like dogs or something. I think that Miyamoto would welcome his fans to leave it up to their own interpretations, and that is not one that I choose to agree with.