Voice actors you would like to see work on the Mario series


Heart of an ox
So, the Mario's cast is pretty great, I mean, the only other man I know that does a good enough Mario in recent days besides Mr. Maritent is Vinny from Vinesauce, I wouldn't want them to be replaced, but if there comes a new character or a previously unvoiced old one returns, who would you like to see cast?

Personally, I think Frank Welker would work pretty well as a Mario character, that dude got range of stuff you don't even imagine being voiced by a dude.
Hugh Dillon who voiced Nick from Left 4 Dead 2 because why the hell not.

Though personally, I'd also like seeing Daran Norris in a Mario game, always liked his voice a lot, either as Timmy's Dad/Cosmo from Fairly Oddparents, Rodyle from Tales of Symphonia, or Knockout from Transformers Prime.