Could we see Daisy finally be playable in Smash Switch?


Dry Bones
Banned User
Smash 4 unexpectedly introduced Rosalina and Luma, but had several Daisy references and trophies (more than usual). So what do you think?

Personally, I would LOVE it if she was in Super Smash Bros. I can imagine her with several flower based moves and punchy moves that reflect her energy into a fighting form. Maybe she can have her Crystal Smash as her Down Smash, a sort of flower twist as her Up B to create a whirlwind, various Mario themed plants incorporated as command grabs or pushaways and her pitchers glove from Mario Baseball and Smash 4 Item Trophy?

Super Mario Run (which might have been conceptualised at the time the roster was being decided) introduced us to Daisy having more actual jumps than other Mario characters...could she be the first character in Smash to have three full jumps? She could be an aerial combo queen, like flowers breezing in the air...

Oh, and I think her Final Smash would speak for itself. She could turn from her dress to her crystalised striker armour and unleash a storm of crystals from a football.


I think this concept is actually spot on with how she should be portrayed. I would alter a few things like her being in a dress, but the idea is very true to Daisy.
Probably not. Ever since Daisy became a spin-off exclusive character, she's pretty much at the bottom of the pecking order, just like with Waluigi.
If Waluigi makes it, we certainly can start talking Daisy. I've said it a few times already but they're in the same boat. We won't get one without the other. They're both tied to the Mario spin-offs so much.

I'm not even sure how many newcomers will be coming in this game. At least not too many in the Main game just yet, especially if they're bringing back most of everybody back from Smash 4. I could see a lengthy DLC period to make up for it. But otherwise unsure if there will be alot of newcomers because for many, alot of the Smash 4 characters will already be like new characters to quite a bit of people since the Switch has sold alot better then the Wii U did.

And if there's not many newcomers for this game at first, I can only say that I think Captain Toad is the only Mario rep possible at least on release. (Though Smash is even less predictable once it hits DLC, so who knows what will happen then). I very much think it's possible that when it comes to new Mario reps (And I mean specifically Mario series characters, represented by a Mushroom symbol) it could very well be Captain Toad or nothing. I'm just not very optimistic for Paper Mario, Waluigi, or Daisy at the current time.
I'm rooting for her myself, but the chances are slim. She could definitely use the spin-off titles as her moveset, as a sort of both Mario Sports and Mario Party representative. Or if Waluigi gets in, one or the other.
Maybe she would be playable. If not, she'd be an assist trophy. But I'd rather have a playable Waluigi. ( :waluigi: Waaaaaaaa)
MnSG said:
Probably not. Ever since Daisy became a spin-off exclusive character, she's pretty much at the bottom of the pecking order, just like with Waluigi.

Is that why a Daisy amiibo was made and she got in Mario Run over Rosalina? Is that why Nintendo EPD picked her to be in Miitopia over :wario: :bowjr: :diddy:

May I remind you of THIS.


This, Daisy is irrelevant because I don't like the game she is in, fad by Daisy haters needs to die in a forest fire. If Geno can be considered for Smash of all characters, what is stopping Daisy?
Honestly you need to leave the dead horse that Mario Run is.

Literally nobody checks for that game and by no means it can compare to 3D World, Galaxy 1 and 2 and of course Smash 4 , games where Rosalina is prominent and Daisy is nowhere to be seen or is just a decoration/Peach costume.

And seriously it's literally beyond human logic at this point , how are you so obssesed with amiibo? Why do you care about plastic dolls that much???????

Daisy has no relevance and 0 potential and no real background that can define a true moveset for her , and that's the main reason that people have to avoid thinking on her for a newcomer.

Other reasons are that Daisy is very unpopular and the only people that want her are you and a vocal minority that like to overhype Daisy and pretend that she is something that she has never been since debut aka relevant.


The fact that Waluigi of all people has more representation in Smash than Daisy does speaks very clear.
Swiftie_Luma said:
how are you so obssesed with amiibo? Why do you care about plastic dolls that much???????

whistles nonchalantly

Swiftie_Luma said:
Other reasons are that Daisy is very unpopular and the only people that want her are you and a vocal minority that like to overhype Daisy and pretend that she is something that she has never been since debut aka relevant.

Daisy is quite popular, actually. There's an entire fandom based around her, that is surprising well put together. And if she wasn't popular, Nintendo would've stopped putting her in games. It's really because of MemoryMan's reputation that gives Daisy a bad name, to the point where said Daisy fandom kicked him out.

True, the amount of hype Daisy gets may be way too much, but there are a number of people who want to see her do more, myself included. Her appearance in Super Mario Run sparked potential, but I don't see her getting in Smash any time soon.

memoryman3 said:
If Geno can be considered for Smash of all characters, what is stopping Daisy?

Geno's more popular because Super Mario RPG was a great game, and the fact that he's locked behind Square Enix's legal department only makes people want him more.
Also if we are going to use amiibo as an argument I would like to point out that Rosalina has 2 amiibo to Daisy's 1.
Mcmadness said:
Also if we are going to use amiibo as an argument I would like to point out that Rosalina has 2 amiibo to Daisy's 1.

If Daisy got into Smash then she would get a second amiibo.
Being overhyped by a vocal minority that still want to call Daisy a tomboy even when she behaves exactly like Peach has done doesn't really count for popularity votes.

All these people have only a few select of phrases that they shout non-stop:

''Oh Daisy is relelvant because she appears in all the sports games'' Even tho Waluigi represents those more because he was literally made for those games.

''Oh Daisy is a tomboy , fjasnfdjancdkncjncjkdac'' Even though Daisy can be and is as girly as Peach is , having an obnoxious high voice and blowing kisses to the camera while also associating herself with flowers out of all things

''Oh Daisy deserved to be in XXXX game'' Even though Daisy is irrelevant

'' Oh Rosalina took Daisy's spot! asnvdanksnfjdsknvdjsk'' Even though Daisy had never had said ''spot'' because even if Rosalina wasnt present in X game , other character would have took her place or they simply wouldn't add anybody else.

Rosalina out =/= Daisy is magically in.

Rosalina is Out = Nobody else is in


Did i miss any?
yes sakurai put daisy in and make her the strongest character in the game and also the prettiest character have her be even more stronger than bowser and ganondorf combined
Swiftie_Luma said:
''Oh Daisy is relelvant because she appears in all the sports games'' Even tho Waluigi represents those more because he was literally made for those games.
Well, technically the current Daisy was also created for sports games besides her color scheme since she was a non-character prior to Mario Tennis 64.

BTW this argument sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Where did all those other arguments end up? Maybe we'd better stop while we're ahead.
I doubt we'll see Daisy playable in Smash in the near future (Unless at some point there is a whopping great roster expansion), and though I'd personally like to see her (Potentially as a representative for the Sports/Party/Kart games), I think Captain Toad is more likely to get in first, and I'd prefer to see him before Daisy (Perhaps with the rest of the Toad Brigade as palette swaps?). I think what's more reasonable is perhaps to see Daisy introduced as an Assist Trophy first, which would be easier to implement, and then if that happens it might be more of a reason to get your hopes up, but until at least that happens I don't think she's got much chance of getting in.
Plague Knight said:
Swiftie_Luma said:
''Oh Daisy is relelvant because she appears in all the sports games'' Even tho Waluigi represents those more because he was literally made for those games.
Well, technically the current Daisy was also created for sports games besides her color scheme since she was a non-character prior to Mario Tennis 64.

BTW this argument sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Where did all those other arguments end up? Maybe we'd better stop while we're ahead.

I agree.

I don't care about Daisy that much to get that invested in the conversation.
daisy deserves to be in smash solely for a "hi i'm daisy" taunt
imagine doing that repeatedly for entire matches lmao
we could've discussed this on my thread we don't need daisy in smash there's no fucking reason for her to be in smash
The more fighters the better, I suppose. Although as of the moment the top three newcomer Mario reps that I'm rooting for is :waluigi:,
and Geno.
This is a Good Thread™
Swiftie_Luma said:
''Oh Daisy is relelvant because she appears in all the sports games'' Even tho Waluigi represents those more because he was literally made for those games.

''Oh Daisy is a tomboy , fjasnfdjancdkncjncjkdac'' Even though Daisy can be and is as girly as Peach is , having an obnoxious high voice and blowing kisses to the camera while also associating herself with flowers out of all things

''Oh Daisy deserved to be in XXXX game'' Even though Daisy is irrelevant

'' Oh Rosalina took Daisy's spot! asnvdanksnfjdsknvdjsk'' Even though Daisy had never had said ''spot'' because even if Rosalina wasnt present in X game , other character would have took her place or they simply wouldn't add anybody else.

Yeah, I totally agree on all of those, aside from maybe the third point. Doesn't matter if a character may seem irrelevant or not (speaking broadly here), Nintendo does what they want to do with their characters. We didn't expect Link in Mario Kart, now did we (maybe)?
Actually that really matters when it comes to Smash , which is the topic in question.

All the Mario characters playable in Smash are MAJOR characters , true all stars from the series.

If they wanted Daisy/Waluigi playable they could have done that a long time ago since brawl , but they haven't so yeah , it matters.
le sigh
Swiftie_Luma said:
Actually that really matters when it comes to Smash , which is the topic in question.

All the Mario characters playable in Smash are MAJOR characters , true all stars from the series.

If they wanted Daisy/Waluigi playable they could have done that a long time ago since brawl , but they haven't so yeah , it matters.
Thing is, Toad is the last major character to add before they have to start adding minor ones like Waluigi and Daisy if they want to keep adding Mario characters in every game (which they did in every previous game as long as you count Wario as being a partial Mario rep).