How I categorize Purple Comet missions

I like to categorize stuff, and Purple Comet missions are no exception. I classify them in 4 ways: linearity, if they are timed, if they are reversible (if the player can go back), and if there are more than 100 coins.
There are two classes of linearity: Linear, and explorational.
There are two states of whether a Purple Comet mission is timed: If it is, and if it isn't.
And lastly, there are two states of reversibility: if you can go back, and if you can't.
There are two states of overflow: if there are exactly 100 coins, or if there are at least 101 coins.
I classify a Purple Coin mission "epic" if it is timed and/or irreversible, and a "legendary" mission as an "epic" mission which provides a Life Mushroom. This means that the following missions are "epic" missions:
Purple Coin Spacewalk
Purple Coins on the Battlerock
Purple Coins in the Bone Pen
Purple Coins on the Puzzle Cube
Purple Coins in the Woods
Luigi's Purple Coins
Battlestation's Purple Coins
All SMG2 Purple Coin missions except Bulb Berry's Purple Coin Glow
Can you figure out which missions are legendary?