Alex95 is now a Sysop!


Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
Henry Tucayo Clay
Talk about a birthday present! Congratulations on this well deserved promotion!
You lucky dog!

Daily dose of double Congratulations for being one year older, and being promoted!

(Also, I read sysop as Spyro for some reason.)
'grats for the demotion, boy

you going to make a special sprite for this occasion? :P
Congratulations, very well deserved.
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
(Also, I read sysop as Spyro for some reason.)

Something to keep in mind for the next April Fools' ;)

EDIT: Welp, forgot about this :P

LeftyGreenMario said:
you going to make a special sprite for this occasion? :P

Nah, I'm saving my sprites for the game itself.

Fidelroyolonda Smackonmybuddyboosters III said:
Now you just have to overthrow Steve!

I'm working on it.

Thanks everyone! I'll do my best!
Congratulations! You more than earned it! You edit so good that promotion was inevitable.
:posh: :posh: :posh:
Congratulations, dude! You've gone from plain user to sysop in the approximately year and a half that I've been in the community. Keep up the good work!
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
(Also, I read sysop as Spyro for some reason.)

Speaking of Spyro,

It's possibly coming to Switch.