Issue 133 Picross - Shoutout Contest Guesses! (still unclaimed!)


always lurking in the shadows in appreciation
her/it/him (&)
For those not in the know, I am holding a mini-contest to see who can correctly guess the origin of the last Picross puzzle in this month's issue of Picross. The prize will, of course, be a shout out in the next issue.

I decided to make a thread dedicated to sharing your guesses here! You can just say your guesses yourself, or even work together with other members to get your guesses up (and if you do form a group and you all guess correctly, I'll be shouting out all of you!).
Re: Issue 133 Picross - Shoutout Contest Guesses!

Raregold said:
I'm gonna guess it was based off Mariofan169.
Absolutely not, because I don't even know who that is off the top of my head.
Re: Issue 133 Picross - Shoutout Contest Guesses!

Maybe one of those Simon Says games?
Re: Issue 133 Picross - Shoutout Contest Guesses!

Doctor Strange said:
Maybe one of those Simon Says games?
Also wrong.

For the record, if one more wrong guess is sent in, I'll give everybody a clue to lean them in the right direction. I'll do this every couple of milestones too.