"Leaks" and other dumb junk


Heart of an ox
So, this is the topic to discuss so called "leaks", which they be real or not, nobody but the very large staff of this game knows! ... But I hate them for wasting Sakurai's time and effort, despite making the topic.

I only really made this topic so it doesn't take over the main one when a big one comes around and we be puttin everything in spoiler boxes.
I normally take leaks with a grain of salt, but so far, one leak managed to predict everything that was gonna be revealed such as Snake, the Ice Climbers, Daisy, Everyone returning and Ridley.

Thing is, that leak, which almost sounds legit right now, also predicted Simon Belmont.

I don't have a source link because I only heard about this leak on youtube, but seeing how all but one of its predictions were revealed true, it is pretty believable.

Again, normally I don't take these things seriously because I don't want to overhype myself and get disappointed in the game in the case where the leak I thought was real turned out fake, but this one is hard not to believe.
Everyone said:
I normally take leaks with a grain of salt, but so far, one leak managed to predict everything that was gonna be revealed such as Snake, the Ice Climbers, Daisy, Everyone returning and Ridley.

Thing is, that leak, which almost sounds legit right now, also predicted Simon Belmont.

I don't have a source link because I only heard about this leak on youtube, but seeing how all but one of its predictions were revealed true, it is pretty believable.

Again, normally I don't take these things seriously because I don't want to overhype myself and get disappointed in the game in the case where the leak I thought was real turned out fake, but this one is hard not to believe.

A bit of a correction, that did not mention Daisy and only said No Cuts and not specifically every single playable character returning. (But they were absolutely certain Ridley was playable and they were right. While also saying no cuts, Snake and Ice Climbers which also came true.)

But otherwise it's at least looking good they got some legit information. Simon may still be coming or perhaps the source he got for Simon was false. The person who got this information both has real and fake sources so not everything he says comes true but he's had a decent enough track record to be somewhat credible compared to say... a random 4chan leak.
Yeah, the Verge info with the no cuts, ICs, snake, Ridley, and Simon is the only one worth talking about. I don't know why we're giving some of these 4chan posts the time of day. I wish people stopped calling them leaks, because leak implies something real that gets announced ahead of time.
I don't take rumors seriously any more. I'll care only when official information gets released from the game or a leak has to come from someone completely verifiable like it did for the Mario + Rabbids Kingdoms announcement (even so, just barely)
Captain America said:
I wish people stopped calling them leaks, because leak implies something real that gets announced ahead of time.

It's to make it sound more legitimate. I agree, though. "Rumor", maybe, but "leak" is misleading.
No. The leak said no cuts from Smash 4, Ice Climbers, Ridley, and Simon Belmont. Then at a later date Snake and Minecraft content of some sort was added.
"Heroes vs Villains" theme? Sounds plausible.
Man... four words...

Thank you Daddy Sakurai.
tbh i dont really see the big deal
people are still gonna buy the game regardless of whether it's leaked before official reveals or not
I mean yeah, but the E3 reveal would have been severely less hype had it been spoiled beforehand. The Everyone is Here is actually super well crafted to lead up to the reveal. It starts with the basic characters, with BOTW Link as well for a little tease, Mewtwo shows up not much longer after that, which is hype and shows that the DLC characters are back. We get Ice Climbers shortly after, and expected but wildly return. More veterans are shown until finally we hit Pokemon Trainer which is a bigger surprise. Show off Ryu, the revised Ganondorf, and Cloud and now the audience is really invested. It culminates in the dramatic reveal of Snake plus the text: EVERYONE IS HERE and that's when it sinks in. Pichu is shown almost immediately afterwards to show that they really mean it when they say "everyone".

The Everyone is Here trailer is honestly one of the best game trailers Nintendo has ever put out.
Best Buy of Canada accidentally leaked that tapping Amiibos would unlock the characters on the three new Amiibos, since then the altered their contents. I don't know if Nintendo told them to change the description or not. But if it is true you would unlock characters by a simple tap with an Amiibo.
So, regarding Vengeberg or what their name is, there is two trusted but conflicting two sources, them and the blank spaces
While many people point to them when sourcing the box, there is a bit of a contradiction, there is two character left according to box, but people using them to support this forget that they suggested 3 new fighters, Incineroar, Ken and a new Square Enix rep, so yeah, it could possible that both are phony or jumping to conclusions, ya never know with Smash.
i love reading fake leaks

i don't even know why but it's really fun

and it's easy to avoid getting hyped up for something untrue if you just remember: All Leaks Are Fake
A Dragon Quest rep is exactly what I think the second SE character should be, if the leak was to be true. Dragon Quest is heavily influential in the JRPG genre and the second-most famous SE IP after Final Fantasy and it would be surprising if the second SE rep WASN'T something from Dragon Quest.

Though I think Slime would be a more interesting addition...
I, for one, am disappointed.

First Joker, whom I didn't care for nor recognize at all, and now this. I don't mean to make people who are happy about his inclusion change their opinions, but this is one of the most disappointing Smash reveals ever imo. This guy, who isn't made by Nintendo, who has no personality whatsoever, and who doesn't even have a localized name, is getting into Smash. This may be an unpopular opinion of sorts, but I want Nintendo characters in Smash. Not these third-party characters who have no business in a game that's supposed to be all about Nintendo, and especially those who lack any sense of personality. And on top of that, this guy is revealed directly after Joker, another third-party character whom I have virtually zero interest in. If this trend continues, and it likely will, there will be no Nintendo characters in the Fighters Pass. I was already losing hope with Joker and the announcement that DLC would be "unexpected", but now my hopes for literally any character I remotely wanted in Smash are 100% dead. Just get the DLC over with and start work on the next Smash.

With Joker, I could at least be happy for the fans. But with this guy? There are literally no fans to be happy for! That just multiplies my disappointment by ten.

(end rant)