What would your ideal Mario comic be?


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
Mario has had several graphical novel, or in layman's terms, comics, but they don't last long. A few examples on Mario comics are: Mario's wild and weird German comics, Valiant's Mario comics and the fan-favourite Super Mario Adventures. The only one that is still going on today is a little-known comic known as Super Mario-kun, which has been running since 1989, and is practically older than Archie Sonic, usually known as the longest comic based on a video game. Even then, the idea of a Mario comic is intriguing since there is an abundance of things to reference from Mario's rich history. The fact that there was a pitch from Archie Comics to license a Mario comic shows that there is an interest to create new comic material for the main man himself, but it was not meant to be when Nintendo rejected that pitch. Certainly, we have webcomics based on Mario, but they are fan works and are not licensed, so while there are some well-liked and great ones such as The 3 Little Princesses and It Sucks to be Weegie, they are ultimately not considered essential to the Mario fans.

Which is what brings us to this topic today.

I will start with what I would like in a Mario comic.

For one, I would like to have an anthology-styled comic. What I mean is that in one story, it's focused on Mario doing a simple princess-saving, while in the other, we have Yoshi attempting to find his favourite fruit but it is surprisingly hard to find. Because Mario is a series where a sprawling epic is non-existent, having short and simple stories fit the brand better, compared to what I think is the direction the Archie comics pitch is going to go if it were to be approved. It would also mean that different Mario characters could be highlighted better, since the series has several Mario characters that don't necessarily get a chance to shine in the games. So maybe for example, we can have Daisy having her little problem to solve, completely divorced from Mario and the rest of the main characters. This would be an ideal direction because that means someone can pick up a comic and not need to go back to previous issues to understand the whole story. Now that is not to say they should stick to this direction all the way, because I am all right if they want to make a longer story that could span multiple chapters. After all, Mario has times where a bigger story is warranted, such as perhaps a hypothetical Super Mario Galaxy adaptation. Ideally it's best that whatever happens in the occasional multi-parter isn't essential to future plots.

One of Mario's strengths is that he is identifiable in different styles, so while a consistent style is usually better for a comic series, I wouldn't mind it if certain artists drew Mario in their own styles, which is to say something that is still identifiable to Mario himself. Mario's has had many great styles over the years, including the cartoony style of Mario & Luigi, the sketchy Mario Strikers style and the somewhat pudgy Mario from the DiC cartoons. These different Mario are also all treated as the same Mario, and I would like to see some different styles implemented in a Mario comic, to showcase some neat artistic directions.

That's enough from me. What kind of Mario comic would interest you?

Thank you for reading.
Re: What would be your ideal Mario comic?

newspaper mario
Re: What would be your ideal Mario comic?

Shadowshy said:
newspaper mario

Oh yes, I am down for a Mario comic on newspapers, which is my preferred type of comic. Only problem is newspaper comics aren't as popular as they once was, so if Mario somehow makes newspaper comics popular again, it's a win for both Mario and newspaper comics!

Thank you for reading.
The Super Mario Adventures comic is pretty cool. It even looks like an anime! I think Nintendo should make it a series of comics.
something like the valiant comics but it looks better
I would like a comic where every few pages are based on one of the Mario games.
I'd like a comic that makes as much use of the Marioverse characters, regardless of game, as Super Mario-kun does. I wish that could get an official translation to English too.
Baby Luigi appears in it.

I am a simple man.
Russian Baby Luigi said:
I am a simple man.

No you ain't.

I'd like a comic that's lighthearted with an emphasis on adventure and comedy.
You ain't no man.
YoshiEgg1990 said:
I would like a comic where every few pages are based on one of the Mario games.

I think this is unclear. Are you meaning to say to have original Mario stories with the occasional reference to the games?

Luke Atmey said:

That would be quite cool to see, personally. Not sure about the general public who expects more Mario though.

Sgt Nate V said:
something like the valiant comics but it looks better

Artwork and the King Koopa look aside, what do you like about the Valiant comics?

Princess Mario said:

That looks new: a Mario Kart manga, and it's somewhat fascinating! Is it a one-volume manga? The number implies that there are multiple chapters, but I can't see this lasting that long.

Thank you for reading.
Glad you asked. It's from an obscure manga called Go! Go! Mario Kart (which I think is one-volume, but not sure about its length) and while I don't know what's going on, I dig the art style. I like how dramatic everything is, even if it's a big contrast to the reality of the snake mania poor-quality character models Mario Kart DS really is.

Moldomré said:
That unreleased Archie comic looked pretty sweet.

I've always wondered if my assumption is correct on what direction the Archie Mario comic will take, because I am under the impression that the pitch is looking to do for Mario what the artists and writers did for Sonic: create a continuous story for Mario with defined chapters.

Thank you for reading.