As of today, the original Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 64 has been released 20 years ago, making the franchise 20 years old as well, happy birthday, Smash! What is your fondest memory of the series?
It's how I even got into video games, especially because of that commercial (as what I was told). I'm only, what, three years older than it? I must've been gaming for a very long time. Don't think we got it as soon as it was released, though. But maaaaan, this game is extremely nostalgia. I love the cheapness and cartoonishness of it. I love the opening sequence, best one in the series IMO. And there's the hilarious training video that showcases Luigi getting beaten up, and they're in some weird Dreamland prototype stage.
Yeah, I've been playing the series since the very first one in 1999. After seeing that commercial, I begged my mom to go out and rent me the game (this was before I got to own a lot of games).