Personas of Power Ups

Pink Cat

Dreams delight
Here is a fun thing to think about, if Toads are personas of Super Mushrooms and 1-up mushrooms and Lumas are personas of Super Stars, how would this go about for other power ups?

Flowers: Goofy short dudes that either have bad tempers or make cool puns
Leaves: Adrift dudes that go with the wind, have a bad tendency to get stepped on or landing in lakes to their doom
Bells: Kitties, what else! And to go with the various dogs in the series, they are also very friendly and playful, forget what anyone says, cats are friends
Capes would be those cute little birds, and they have yellow and white plumage.

King Bob-omb would be a Superball because we all know what happens to him once he's defeated.
You mean BUMPTIES.
Blue Shell: Cocky blue-shelled Koopas with Sonic-esque mannerisms.

Boo Mushroom: A very timid or shy Boo.

Bee Mushroom: A persistent and diligent servant of the Honey Queen, the Honeybees.
*sees title.

♪You'll never see it COMIIIIING!!!♪.

So, I guess there's the Hammer Suit that's, well, a hammer Bro persona.

And poison mushrooms are Goombas instead of Toads.
LeftyGreenMario said:
You mean BUMPTIES.

Nah. Penguins. Bumpties look too different than how the penguin suit looks.
Greninja said:
*sees title.

♪You'll never see it COMIIIIING!!!♪.

Now I face out

I hold out

I reach out to the truth of my life seeking to seize
on the whole moment to now break away

Oh God let me out

Can you let me out

Can you set me free from this dark inner world

Save me now Last beat in the soul