It doesn't seem to add anything major aside from Toadette or Nabbit, or mapping the mid air spin to the jump button. It also forces you to use one of Toadette or Nabbit in 4 player. While the game is easy enough and 4 player is also hectic to the point where Toadette wouldn't make that much of a big difference, people don't want handicaps to be forced on them whenever or not the handicaps make the game easier or harder. Forcing handicaps is also incredibly terrible design whenever it's a co-op game or a competitive game. I don't ever recall another game aside from the original NSLU making player 4 play with a handicap, whenever or not it made the game easier or harder for that player and that was also a terrible design choice. This should've been an easy issue to fix, and not fixing it means Nintendo is incompetent at listening to fans. As for the mid air spin being the jump button, some people have an issue with this and others don't. What does Nintendo do? Make everyone who wants it disabled go through a hidden button combination instead of just having it visible in the options menu. Why should this be hidden? Is it because they want us to not know about this? The Wii U original seemed better polished compared to this.