Plumbing my way into your hearts since 1985
Here is how this works:
If you post on these numbers then you get the item. And use these on anyone!!! But items use a atk
10 = Mushroom = +1 HP
20 = Poison = -1 HP
30 = Heart container = +3
40 = Super Attack = -5
And repeat!!!
How HP works:
Post list and your name and people bold your name and remove HP. -1 Per post or item!!!
And I give special items every now and then
If you post on these numbers then you get the item. And use these on anyone!!! But items use a atk
10 = Mushroom = +1 HP
20 = Poison = -1 HP
30 = Heart container = +3
40 = Super Attack = -5
And repeat!!!
How HP works:
Post list and your name and people bold your name and remove HP. -1 Per post or item!!!
And I give special items every now and then