What kind of lover are you?


Heart of an ox
Did you know there is different types of love? And I am not talking platonic and romantic either, it is how you love, not how it is received.
I am apparently a compassionate lover, if I ever do date again, I would want my SO to be happy above all else, that makes sense
Take the quiz and find out
Heh, why not?

So apparently, for me, I'm a maniac lover...

To quote the website:

As a manic lover, you are often demanding, codependent and outright possessive. You likely have a strong need to be in control and are aware of everything your partner is doing. You can be distrustful of your partner and have difficulty trusting in romantic relationships. You tend to obsess over a love interest. You are likely to have a huge fear of rejection and abandonment. You are easily hurt and you have the tendency to seek validation through relationships.

That is not necessarily the best kind, but I think to describe me in that context, there's no better way. I won't deny that I do obsess over someone if I have a crush on them, and am paranoid about them all the same. It's... a terrifying feeling, really. And strangely enough... I won't have it any other way.
Storge [Companionate Love]

Your romantic relationship is often based on friendship, shared values, goals and compatibility. You are somewhat of a mixture of the pragma type lover and the agape type. To you, a person’s physical attractiveness does not rank high on your priority list. You have relationships that tend to last for a long time. You value commitment, companionship and loyalty in a relationship a lot and to you, compared to passion and excitement. You are someone who is stable and dependable. You do not seek out lots of excitement and have a high degree of trust with a partner.

I said i was more spontaneous than organized on the quiz so i dont know where it got this from or what pragma and agape mean
Pragma [Practical Love]
Pragma love types commonly search for someone who fits a particular image. You tend to look for someone based on their age, financial status, physical characteristics and/or cultural and spiritual background. You need to feel organized and tend to list down what you want and don't want in a partner before searching for one. Compatiblity is a very important priority to you when it comes to romantic relationships. You are highly rational and you use empirical knowledge for dating and love. You always weigh options carefully before seriously dating someone.
Agape (Unselfish Love)

Agape lovers are considered to be “unselfish” lovers. You are likely more focused on giving than receiving. Chances are you are also concerned a great deal about your partner’s well-being. While this love style may seem somewhat ideal, there can be issues regarding codependency if focus too much on the other person to the point where you not aware of your own emotional needs. You have unconditional love for a mate and have a high degree of passion for a lover. You tend to put your partner’s needs ahead of personal needs.
Agape (Unselfish Love)

Agape lovers are considered to be “unselfish” lovers. You are likely more focused on giving than receiving. Chances are you are also concerned a great deal about your partner’s well-being. While this love style may seem somewhat ideal, there can be issues regarding codependency if focus too much on the other person to the point where you not aware of your own emotional needs. You have unconditional love for a mate and have a high degree of passion for a lover. You tend to put your partner’s needs ahead of personal needs.
Ludus [Game Playing Love]
Ludus type lovers see relationships as fun, playful and casual. In many ways, you tend to unconsciously view relationships as games to be played. You tend to avoid commitments and prefer to play the field. You might be unware, but your partner is more likely to have legitimate concerns about cheating and infidelity due to your personality. You are highly self-sufficient and share little personal information about yourself. You might have narcissistic qualities or tendencies.
Bollocks. Emphasis mine.
Agape (Unselfish Love)
Agape lovers are considered to be “unselfish” lovers. You are likely more focused on giving than receiving. Chances are you are also concerned a great deal about your partner’s well-being. While this love style may seem somewhat ideal, there can be issues regarding codependency if focus too much on the other person to the point where you not aware of your own emotional needs. You have unconditional love for a mate and have a high degree of passion for a lover. You tend to put your partner’s needs ahead of personal needs.
Definitely seems about right
Eros [Physical Love]
This love type means you are attracted to people who are physically attractive. Typically, you are eager to develop intense, passionate relationships and like to experience fairly intense emotional highs. It should be noted that emotional lows are part of this dynamic as well after a relationship ends. You tend to feel most intense during initial stages of relationship and often get “hooked on the look” of another. You can also become addicted to the “newness” of a relationship but lose interest quickly.
from what i've seen of other possible results i'm fairly certain pragma is a much more accurate reflection of me but then again these quizzes are usually kind of stupid anyways so idek why I find this to be very remarkable
Mania [Possessive Love]
As a manic lover, you are often demanding, codependent and outright possessive. You likely have a strong need to be in control and are aware of everything your partner is doing. You can be distrustful of your partner and have difficulty trusting in romantic relationships. You tend to obsess over a love interest. You are likely to have a huge fear or rejection and abandonment. You are easily hurt and you have the tendency to seek validation through relationships.

Close enough.
Mania [Possessive Love]
As a manic lover, you are often demanding, codependent and outright possessive. You likely have a strong need to be in control and are aware of everything your partner is doing. You can be distrustful of your partner and have difficulty trusting in romantic relationships. You tend to obsess over a love interest. You are likely to have a huge fear or rejection and abandonment. You are easily hurt and you have the tendency to seek validation through relationships.

I don't think I am qualified for having a partner now because I am not good enough. It's ok tho!
i also got mania too and i really don't like how how it has so much negative qualities compared of the rest.
Let us maniacs thrive and prosper in this little world then.
Well, my result isn't exactly flattering (and way less accurate) either. Not going to let it define who I am, especially not from a quiz with so little questions, some answers that don't accurately describe my views, and two questions that seem pretty irrelevant to the results (favorite color and a list of, like, 6 animals to choose from?).

You do you, guys.

Good luck if ya need it I guess.
ok so since honestly the only other living beings that truly seem to love me besides my parents are my cats and obviously nobody will ever ever ever ever fall in love with me i would call bs on this test ... but i like a fun one once in a while so why not.

i got Mania [Possessive Love] and for me, even if i don't believe in relationships and all, its not accurate because i may be many things but im not possesive and i am not insecure in that particular area either ... it says a ton of bad stuff compared to the rest as stated above and everything i answered wasn't even that bad lol.
Storge [Companionate Love]

Your romantic relationship is often based on friendship, shared values, goals and compatibility. You are somewhat of a mixture of the pragma type lover and the agape type. To you, a person’s physical attractiveness does not rank high on your priority list. You have relationships that tend to last for a long time. You value commitment, companionship and loyalty in a relationship a lot and to you, compared to passion and excitement. You are someone who is stable and dependable. You do not seek out lots of excitement and have a high degree of trust with a partner.

i too said spontaneous and it stuck me here but i cant complain

i did this at 3am so i misread it as storage and now that i think about it i would indeed value a lot of storage
Mania [Possessive Love]
As a manic lover, you are often demanding, codependent and outright possessive. You likely have a strong need to be in control and are aware of everything your partner is doing. You can be distrustful of your partner and have difficulty trusting in romantic relationships. You tend to obsess over a love interest. You are likely to have a huge fear or rejection and abandonment. You are easily hurt and you have the tendency to seek validation through relationships.

This is why I am afraid to date.
Storge [Companionate Love]
Your romantic relationship is often based on friendship, shared values, goals and compatibility. You are somewhat of a mixture of the pragma type lover and the agape type. To you, a person's physical attractiveness does not rank high on your priority list. You have relationships that tend to last for a long time. You value commitment, companionship and loyalty in a relationship a lot and to you, compared to passion and excitement. You are someone who is stable and dependable. You do not seek out lots of excitement and have a high degree of trust with a partner.
well some of this is true but lmao "stable and dependable"

also I care about their appearance but that really wasn't an option on any of the questions, and a lot of questions didn't exactly have my exact answer so idk

damn right i have a high degree of trust, that's my worst quality