Why don't pictures made using the snipper tool work on here?


Mushroom Attendant
I tried to upload some images I made using the Snipper Tool to my posts, however when I tried putting them in, nothing happened, even though I put in image tags. Do images made using Snipper Tool not work here?
Do you know what file types the images are?
when in doubt you can upload those images to image hosting sites such as imgur and link from there
iirc you don't need an account to upload images on imgur, though it helps to have one because you can keep track of all your image uploads more easily. you sign up like any other site.
Main Toad said:
Png. Also I tried to copy from the Snipper Tool itself, so maybe that could be the problem.
the forum is not capable of displaying images unless they are uploaded to the forum as an attachment or to another site and displayed here