Scheduled forum downtime and software migration

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Forum Administrator
Wiki Proprietor
Hi all,

I've discovered an issue with the forum software and how it's behaving after updating some of the main server software. Unfortunately, the SMF core is just too old at this point and isn't receiving adequate new releases to keep up with these changes. As a result, I'm announcing that on Monday night at 11:59pm eastern, I'm going to take the forum offline and convert it to XenForo software. All content will be transferred over. Here's an idea of some features we'll see. I'll get the site back up as soon as possible, then work on bug fixes.

I apologize for the sudden nature of this. I would have preferred to wait until at least after the Awards, but I just determined this issue to be the cause of some recent server slowdowns impacting all wikis I host, so I want to get this resolved ASAP. Thank you!
Yaaaaaass Xenforo
Main Toad said:
Will all existing users have to sign up for a new account once the forum is converted to Xenforo software, or can they still use their existing account?
The accounts will transfer.
Will there be anything lost, like, only saved up to a certain point, or will everything up to Monday 11:59 move over?
Anton said:
Will there be anything lost, like, only saved up to a certain point, or will everything up to Monday 11:59 move over?
Everything up to 11:59 will move over. Raw estimate of the downtime is 8 hours.
Lakituthequick said:
I hear rumours that all given likes will be reset, is this actually the case or will you carry these over as well?

If anything I imagine it to be a fairly simple pivot table conversion.
Yes, likes will be reset. The new system has binary fields in multiple tables and I don't want to mess it up.

I think. This is cool right? This seems at least pretty interesting.

EDIT: Also, will the BBcode stuff still work? Or will that have to change as well?
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