E. Gadd's Lab


Celestial Guide
Awards Committee
Poll Committee
Cosmic Cowboy
If you remember Bowser's Castle, this is like that. Rules subject to change.

Story: You've been locked in E. Gadd's Lab. You need to escape in one piece, and before they get you.

Characters: You can choose any character you want to play as. However, you can't change your character. If you want to, you'll have to make an appeal to me. V.I.A. Direct Messages.

1. You can only do one action at a time
2. You can only use one item at a time
3. Once you have a character, you can't change
4. Items have to items that your character can reasonably obtain
5. No Godmodding
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:bowser: *Attacks Guards* SHOWTIME!
No, Bowser sees more guards.

Nope. Why would E. Gadd have so many guards?

Then, you see Them. Robo-Mario and Gooigi. However, they aren't very friendly. You could try and fight, but the results could end with your demise. What will you do?
:bowser: *Turns around* Wait, no, Gooigi! Robo-Mario? What?
... I guess I'll have to knock some scene into ya!

The two don't stop approaching. When you hit Gooigi, the hits go right through him. When you hit Robo-Mario, he reforms himself. Attacks don't work. You need to find a way to escape the Lab.
:bowser: Grh? *Reallizes that he ate another vacume shroom when mario and Luigi were near* *Knocks himself out*

*M & L save him*

Robo-Mario and Gooigi look at each other in confusion. They then pick up a needle from a table, fulled with a green liquid. They start injecting Mario and Luigi with it.
*Walks away*

You attempt to find an exit. You do, but it is locked. You need a total of 5 key cards to open it. The key cards are scattered all throughout the lab. Find them, and you can leave.