Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Dec 20, 2019 #1 There are many types of games, if you were to make a game starring the above user, what type of game would it be? Er, a game in development hell for Mister Nothing up there?
There are many types of games, if you were to make a game starring the above user, what type of game would it be? Er, a game in development hell for Mister Nothing up there?
Cocoa Celestial Guide Awards Committee Poll Committee Pronouns She/Them MarioWiki Cosmic Cowboy Jan 2, 2020 #2 Real-Time Simulator
Princess Zatanna The Fresh Princess of Ren Faire! Pronouns She/her MarioWiki MiracleDinner Jan 2, 2020 #3 3D platformer RPG
Xiahou Ba If I know my father....he'd be smiling! Wiki Administrator Poll Committee Pronouns She/her MarioWiki Ray Trace Jan 2, 2020 #4 2D platformer RPG
Cocoa Celestial Guide Awards Committee Poll Committee Pronouns She/Them MarioWiki Cosmic Cowboy Jan 8, 2020 #5 Real-Time Strategy RPG
Princess Zatanna The Fresh Princess of Ren Faire! Pronouns She/her MarioWiki MiracleDinner Jan 8, 2020 #6 Action adventure
Xiahou Ba If I know my father....he'd be smiling! Wiki Administrator Poll Committee Pronouns She/her MarioWiki Ray Trace Jan 8, 2020 #7 Traditional JRPG
Power Flotzo the gun member of the coconut crew Pronouns He/him MarioWiki Power Flotzo Jan 8, 2020 #8 A gritty Grand Theft Auto-type game.
Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Jan 9, 2020 Thread starter #9 Cutesy comedy themed rhythm game
Princess Zatanna The Fresh Princess of Ren Faire! Pronouns She/her MarioWiki MiracleDinner Jan 9, 2020 #10 Open world