Which font do you use in chat????????????????


Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
Henry Tucayo Clay
I used to use bold blue on light gery, but as the MW Applet made my PC extremely slow, i now use mibbit (which sucks) and as mibbit font options also suck, i just use blue
I used to use orange-on-darkblue, and pink-on-darkblue, but nowadays I don't use any colors. And I'm with Uni in that I strip the colors of anyone talking. They can get real annoying.
≥£Ú said:
I used to use orange-on-darkblue, and pink-on-darkblue, but nowadays I don't use any colors. And I'm with Uni in that I strip the colors of anyone talking. They can get real annoying.

They can hurt your eyes too.

But sometimes you can read chat easier with a few people's colors inbetween all of the plain font.
Bold Purple.

And sometimes I use a Green font with a yellow background. (I call that font, lemon font. :P )
I used to use normal pink font on a blue background; but since I'm using my mom's Mac, I just use bold blue.
I suppose I should mention I once had white bold against dark green.

Then I had bold dark green against black.

Fun fact: When I got my green and black font, Master Crash took my green and white font.

Although the fonts wouldve fit in our characters better switched.