People that made your decade

Pink Cat

Dreams delight
We are almost upon a new age, let's give our thanks to help us make it so far

My family: I must admit, it was pretty rocky at the start of the decade, but we all came together in the end, especially you, mom, I wish you could see the new decade

The Mario Boards: I found a new home here, it's much more friendly and welcoming than my old hangout, thanks for being my friends

My friends from other sites: I flat out didn't have friends before going on the net, not one, many deserted it me when I had no more use for me, but my true friends are always there for me, shout out to my all time best friend, Dia

People that helped with my psyche: Bad things constantly happen to me, I have issues with my mental health, if it wasn't for these people, I'd probably be dead or insane, value all who wish to assist you, the end of 19 is going to be a party, hang out
There are a lot of people that made this decade special, but if I had to narrow it down, I'd say there were two in particular that really made my decade.

My mom: I have so much respect for my mother. I'm closer to her than anyone else. She's taught me a lot about life, but she's also taught me how to be good person. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her guidance. I owe her everything.

My best friend: I met her almost 7 years ago, and since then she has become the best friend I've ever had. She always supports me, and I'm always there for her in return. I really couldn't imagine what school would be like without her there beside me throughout middle school and high school.
Uh, hmm... My dad! He's always nice and supportive of me when nobody else is.

The Marioboards for not banning me yet, you guys are all exceptionally nice (especially Kringle).

Andrew Hussie for giving me the groundwork to create Archagent Everlasting!
Main new edition is my boyfriend of 3-4 years. Cool to have someone who gets me in the world.

Other than that, friends and family. Had some falling outs with old school friends but I think it was the right call. Made some cool new friends as well which is nice.