What fictional world do you wish you live in?


Heart of an ox
"I want to be where the people are!"
So, if you could choose a place that isn't real, where would you go?
Since I'm a scaredy cat, I am going to more peaceful worlds like Animal Crossing, but for the type of adventure I like to go on, I think the worlds of Care Bears: Unlock The Magic or Olive the Other Reindeer, it be cool to be a cute animal too!
Of course, some argue that the Nintendogs world wouldn't count because it is barely different, but what kinda world are you living in where puppies and kittens neither age or die? Hell yeah!
Dream Land. Life would be so much more relaxing, I'd get to hang out with Kirby, and I could help myself to all the food I could ever want and always have great dreams at night. It would be the absolute dream life.
The Mushroom Kingdom. I can hang out with Toadette and Toad anytime! Who cares about how dark and fast-paced the world of Sonic the Hedgehog is. Who cares that Earth people are too zany for me and that they have to tangle with aliens whenever they want to do something fun, like racing. A Pokémon would attack me. Some Digimon are way too scary for my eyes. Yo-Kai inspirit you every chance they get, and Dream Land is too slow paced, though I wouldn't mind hanging out with a pink puffball every now and then.
I wish to live in none because I'd get used to whatever world I choose and consider otherwordly, and that'd make said world boring.
I'd go to the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom and move somewhere into the Rogueport region.

Not directly INTO Rogueport because I don't want to get shanked, but somewhere into the general area. That would be nice.

Alternatively, the original Spyro trilogy's setting is pretty chill.
I know that probably sounds like I'm saying just because my theme shows it, but AssClass's E-Class is full of such nice students that I would love to hang out with them. I don't care if the principal wants me to fail alongside them. If anything they ARE miles better than my irl class. Not only that but they have a super effective learning method, which can definitely help me now.

On the other hand the Kirby Universe sounds like a place where I can just goof off for eternity. Not a bad thing if you ask me. Not at all.
Mario, Pokemon, or Animal Crossing. They all seem pleasant and relatively safe as long as you're not a main character.
I've live in the world of Spore, where I can create any sort of animal I'd like, build any sort of building and vehicle that I like, construct worlds as I like, genocide any species I don't like into oblivion, have the entire population always like me despite me bombing every other alien race to oblivion, terraform any planets I like to sustain a large variety of life (and trees that look like eyeballs), travel to whatever star system out there in the galaxy in seconds, and get rich out of just selling spice in between my own colonies that I made. Oh, and I can create civilizations I like and maybe work on dismantling that pesky Grox in the center of the galaxy some day.

Stuff like eco-disasters? Can be handled with two buildings. Pirates and raiders? Turrets and Uber Turrets will take care of them. If there are alien civilizations I like? Happy beam them to make new friends.
Mushroom Kingdom, as seen in the Car Wash.

Granted, there has been a lot of wars for some reason, but things are really nice when there isn't a war going on.
I know Grand Theft Auto is seen as generally a cynical and dystopian world, but it's that game where if someone cuts you off or tailgates you, you can kill them in response, knowing that a double of them is going to respawn anyway. If someone drives a Ferrari, blow them up. See a cat in the way, step on it. If you get shot by police, big deal, you just wound up at a hospital. I like to live in that world where I can live out my revenge fantasies, far better than a world where a parking lot is full and there's an abhorrent Maserati taking up two spaces and you can't do anything about it.
The world of Long John Spaghetti's car wash. I would be an active military member that would keep the peace of the Kingdom.
I know Grand Theft Auto is seen as generally a cynical and dystopian world, but it's that game where if someone cuts you off or tailgates you, you can kill them in response, knowing that a double of them is going to respawn anyway. If someone drives a Ferrari, blow them up. See a cat in the way, step on it. If you get shot by police, big deal, you just wound up at a hospital. I like to live in that world where I can live out my revenge fantasies, far better than a world where a parking lot is full and there's an abhorrent Maserati taking up two spaces and you can't do anything about it.

if you're a cop chasing after speed racers, just end it all with a tornado

also, i love fining people with expensive cars the most amount i can give to them if i catch them doing something stupid.
I'd either live in some sort of Paper Mario village setting (from the first game or TTYD, that is) or Isle Delfino. As long as Bowser isn't wreaking any havoc in the Mushroom Kingdom, I figure they're decently safe and friendly spots. :bowser:
that's cheating
Well, Smash Bros. is a pretty dystopian world. You're a figure fighter that's fighting other figures for absolutely no reason. If you turn into a figure, you're at absolute mercy of giant hands and maybe their dogs.
Animal Crossing. Cute animals. Interest free property. No down payment besides some volunteer work. Get to know your neighbours. Give / receive gifts. Live off the land. Pull weeds.
Animal Crossing. Cute animals. Interest free property. No down payment besides some volunteer work. Get to know your neighbours. Give / receive gifts. Live off the land. Pull weeds.
You can also live in a great house filled with nice furniture if you catch enough bugs and fish. Cost of housing is excellent. Also, all the furniture turns into nice little leaves, very good for storage and moving. Flowers can just be plopped down and then spawned, no dirty gardening work. Weather forcecasts are guaranteed.

The worst part about Animal Crossing is a lack of night shifts outside the post office so everything is dead during night, and I'm most active at night.

I'll never forget that first Smash trailer where they were just walking together and then started fighting for no reason at all.
Yes, do YOU want to live in a world where your friend can immediately kick you in the shins and then fight so much you all piss off the naked blue butterfly man?