This has probably been done before BUT, it's fun

Guy Rocketram

Lower City Empathy

Hey, it beats those count to one kazillion challenges! Let's'a go!
Marty Robbins
Cowboy hat with a Big Iron on his hip. (big iron is another word for six-shooter)
Was once human.
Wears an orange shirt, a gray knit hat, and khakis.
Marty Robbins
Samurai ponytail
Cowboy hat with a Big Iron on his hip. (big iron is another word for six-shooter)
Polite but always yelling
Was once human

Marty Robbins.png

Originally i was gonna make him an Anthro Emu, but I realized that they said "Emu" not "Anthro Emu" Also his hat IS technically gray (just a really light shade of gray" but I had to get a little creative with the shirt. Also I couldn't find a good way to have his Samurai Ponytail show over his hat. Since the Samurai Ponytail was made to help support a helmet, afterall.


  • Marty Robbins.png
    Marty Robbins.png
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  • Marty Robbins.png
    Marty Robbins.png
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  • Marty Robbins.png
    Marty Robbins.png
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  • Marty Robbins.png
    Marty Robbins.png
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