Do any of the users remind you of fictional characters


Heart of an ox
Of course, people are going to be compared to characters they are going to be talking about all the time, but there is already a topic about that, I should know, I made it.

No, this topic is all about how they remind of you of characters personality wise.

As a big FF fan, LJS reminds me of Johnny Storm, fun loving and overall a big fan of geeky stuff and gets along when on a team

Jazzy reminds me of Xiaomu from Namco X Capcom, perky and mostly innocent but sometimes a harmless mischievous streak
Well you do remind me of Felix the cat @Meowkie.

@Redshift has managed to remind me of Zangief with all of her cyrillic crazyness. I like being reminded of Zangief.

@Classic Sonic reminds me of Lou Albano Mario if that makes any sense. He did have an avatar of the guy iirc.

@Anton is gotdam Psychokamek. I'm sure of it.
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@Redshift has managed to remind me of Zangief with all of her cyrillic crazyness. I like being reminded of Zangief.

Whат сyriллic crаzyнеss? I дoн'т тypе мy pоsтs iн сyriллic.
I never considered it before but tis thread made me realize that TG's hair is similar to Byleth's, so I shall compare him to that, looks-wise.