Your favourite scenes in media


Heart of an ox
Just a topic to show the best scenes in media, yes, you can include stuff from video games.

As for one of my favorites:
Sadly, when people think of this episode they think of the "OMG, twerking?!"moment, regardless of that scene has context beside of teenage booty (creeps), this is a great moment, it shows the greatest theme of the show, love and compassion is what will save the World, a haughty girl falls for what she doesn't know is literally a alien robot who only got in contact with due to falling behind in her homework and the big softie robot can't help but be annoyed with her refusal to put effort, but time spent together gets them to understand each other, with in the end, despite way different context, they are in sync with each other

This show deserved better
ending of the last two chapters in spm and ttyd are definitely up there

I'm on a roll with getting back into all the disney movies I loved as a kid. I revisisted the little mermaid for the first time in like a decade yesterday and it was really good, my favourite moment would probably be "Kiss the girl"
What is Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure - Nothing Left to Lose?
Although it's kind of traumatic for some, I do like the scene in Toy Story when the toys launched an open revolt on Sid Phillips for his mutilation of toys while Woody talked to him through speaker (he's got a voice box that is pull string-powered), as a bid to save Buzz Lightyear from uncertain fate (he was strapped with a rocket). The scene where Woody directly said "So play nice." to Sid is memorable, and to cap it all, he had an ensuing freak out and a newfound fear of toys.

Thank you for reading.
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Although it's kind of traumatic for some, I do like the scene in Toy Story when the toys launched an open revolt on Sid Phillips for his mutilation of toys while Woody talked to him through speaker (he's got a voice box that is pull string-powered), as a bid to save Buzz Lightyear from uncertain fate (he was strapped with a rocket). The scene where Woody directly said "So play nice." to Sid is memorable, and to cap it all, he had an ensuing freak out and a newfound fear of toys.

Thank you for reading.
Sid is one of the least evil disney villains because he believes the toys he's mutilating are inanimate and once he discovers otherwise, he stops
I'd argue that Serena from XY(&Z) filled that role more... even if Ash was kind of oblivious.
Assassination Classroom is an amazing anime that deserves more love (and deserved more runtime too) and the best thing about the whole show is pretty much the characters, namely Class 3-E.

The best scene of the anime has to be the assassination attempt at Okinawa Island. It's the first scene where all the students are seen working together in amazing synchronization, near-perfect planning, and ingenuity. There is not one single flaw in their plan, these brats have really outdone their techniques, and there is nearly no escape for their near-unkillable target. Altjough, Spoiler Alert, the attempt ends in failure due to two slight bullet misalignments, and the students are devastated after that, it's still such a cool scene in the heat of the moment, and it shows you how far these kids have come. It gives you something to look forward to, when are the students gonna make another plan as awesome as this one.

To skip the op when it starts, go to 2:53.

Also that's probably one of the only times in the anime where my girl Rinka has a crucial role in anything
Spoilers for the Marvel Cinematic Universe here.

In Guardians of the Galaxy, seeing Quill hold the Power Stone and survive, albeit while sustaining some damage, was really impactful when I first saw it, as at that point, we didn't know that Quill was half-celestial. Heck, there is still some slight possibility he could re-gain his celestial powers through the spores that Ego put on the different planets.

Unpopular Opinion, I agree with Quill in Infinity War. As in, I know why he started to slap Thanos. The guy has already seen a lot as is, and he just found out that his girlfriend was murdered. How does he retaliate? He wants to murder the murderer! I know he got a lot of hate for that, I personally agree with what he did. And so did Dr. Strange, as it was all a part of his plan the whole time.

In Endgame, seeing all those heroes that were lost during the battle for the Infinity Stones was really awesome. I almost went full-on fanboy when I saw Quill fly out of that portal to Titan. Seeing Cap finally lift Mjonlor was cool, too, since it was teased in Age of Ultron that he could lift Mjonlor, but didn't for some reason. Maybe out of sympathy for his comrades.

And in Far from Home, oh man, I was about as confused as Spider-Man when Mysterio exposed him. When did he record that video? EDITH said that all of the illusion tech was down, right? Unless, what if it wasn't? Could Mysterio still be pulling the strings? I might elaborate on that in another thread, but, damn. That end-credits scene didn't clear any confusion at all! Why are those aliens acting as Nick Fury? Why is Nick Fury on an alien planet? Where the hell are his shoes?!
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1:46-2:05 of this.
Can't find just the scene, so go to that mark.
These are my favorite scenes from gravity falls
Any scene with Judge Claude Frollo in it in Hunchback of Notre Dame is a blessing